There will be a brief meeting for all VBS staff by the piano immediately following the morning service. We need paper towel or wrapping paper tubes. See Kathy V if you can make cookies for either Wednesday or Thursday night. We need a team to set up and prepare food for the closing program on Thursday. There will be a class for adults each night upstairs.
Psalm 23 The Lord’s my Shepherd, I’ll not want. He makes me lie in pastures green. He leads me by the still, still waters, His goodness restores my soul.
Chorus And I will trust in You alone And I will trust in You alone, For Your endless mercy follows me, Your goodness will lead me home.
Psalm 23 He guides my ways in righteousness, And He anoints my head with oil, And my cup, it overflows with joy, I feast on His pure delights.
Chorus And I will trust in You alone And I will trust in You alone, For Your endless mercy follows me, Your goodness will lead me home.
Psalm 23 And though I walk the darkest path, I will not fear the evil one, For You are with me, and Your rod and staff Are the comfort I need to know.
Chorus And I will trust in You alone And I will trust in You alone, For Your endless mercy follows me, Your goodness will lead me home. ***
Be strong in the Lord, and be of good courage; Your mighty Defender is always the same! Mount up with wings, as the eagle ascending; Victory is sure when you call on His name!
Be strong, be strong, be strong in the Lord, And be of good courage, For He is your Guide. Be strong, be strong, be strong in the Lord, And rejoice for the victory is yours.
Be strong in the Lord, and be of good courage; Your mighty Commander will vanquish the foe. Fear not the battle for the victory is always His; He will protect you wherever you go.
Be strong, be strong, be strong in the Lord, And be of good courage, for He is your Guide; Be strong, be strong, be strong in the Lord, And rejoice for the victory is yours!
Questions we ask… A story of testing, trust, and prayer Strategy – Undermine Israel’s confidence in their king and in their God Does that sound familiar? Where is your confidence?
Methodical v.1-2 Mocking v.4-6, 8-9 Misinterpretation v.7 Misrepresentation v.10 Manipulation v Mind Games
His carrots come in all shapes and sizes.
Methodical v.1-2 Mocking v.4-6, 8-9 Misinterpretation v.7 Misrepresentation v.10 Manipulation v Mind Games Blasphemy
Never negotiate with Satan v.21 Humble yourself before God 37.1 Get alone with God Seek out godly help v.2, 4b Admit your weakness v.3 Believe God’s promises v.5-7
Another threat v Another step of faith v.14 He went to The Father’s House Hezekiah prays v Reverence Respect vs. Reproach Reality Request
Because you have prayed v21 Woe to Sennacherib You picked on the wrong enemy v.23-24a You can’t hide from Me v You can’t stand against Me v.35 My victory is sure and complete v36-38
Never negotiate with Satan Humble yourself before God Get alone with Him Seek out godly help Admit your weakness Believe God’s promises Lay down your need at His throne Listen for His answer