EPI Technicians Refresher Training Organized By: Provincial EPI in collaboration with UNICEF
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‚ ÷ Zzg » ´ Æ fg ) c Y ~ ; î / ‚ z^Ô g gÔgZ] Ã Ä » ´ Æ ‚ B Zzg p y/ µ } Å y % Z ! / ziy » / Æ _. : (, / Â V 6, z ¤ / Zx ', Z ñ ™ õ q Y ] ” V » " ì G F L Š t: (Mycobacterium Tuberculosis) /
 V 6, z ¤ / Zx ', Z ñ ™ õ q Y ] t: (Corynebacterium Diphtheriae) / f c * Š { F, u Š ñÌ ~ ; î / À ˜ G g{ ‚ w ÐÁ / Ô % ™ õ 7 V Æ a / Œ ~ ” h + Š Ä / g gÔ ‚ z^/
 V 6, z ¤ / Zx ', Z ñ ™ õ q Y ] »à» ´ : / / / / ‰ ´ ¤ (Bordetella Pertussis) f c * Š { F, g L a O W, ƒ D ‚ ÷Å * * à ~ y % ZlZzg Î Ð (Whoop) » ´ Å ç Æ ˆ Z q - { m n Å WzZi Zz ‡ ] »Æ ˆ Q 8 V/
 V 6, z ¤ / Zx ', Z ñ ™ õ q Y ] ¼ : (Clostridium Tetani) / fg ) ; î c * Y gzV ™ â ÆÍ ', / i n Æ fg ) Z ¨ K ã Ÿ ~ Š Z ¼ / n }Zzg ¤ / Š y Æ ê V ~ Š g Š Zzg ? î / ù Zzg # Æ ê V » ? î /
Streptococcus Pneumonia Respiratory Tract Infection Respiratory Tract Infection Caused by Streptococcus- Pneumoniae,a bacteria having more than 9o types but only few of them cause pneumonias Caused by Streptococcus- Pneumoniae,a bacteria having more than 9o types but only few of them cause pneumonias A significant cause of mortality in children particularly in Pakistan A significant cause of mortality in children particularly in Pakistan
Conttd: Spreads by Droplet infection…..sneezing and coughing Spreads by Droplet infection…..sneezing and coughing In severe form of disease presents with Fever,Cough,Painful Ears,cough,Pneumonia and involvement of nervous system which may cause death of the child In severe form of disease presents with Fever,Cough,Painful Ears,cough,Pneumonia and involvement of nervous system which may cause death of the child May be transmitted through blood stream, especially during pregnancy and after child birth May be transmitted through blood stream, especially during pregnancy and after child birth
Diseases Caused by Strep.Pneumonia 1. Pneumonia 1. Pneumonia 2.Bacteremia 2.Bacteremia 3. Meningitis 3. Meningitis All caused by same organisms but with different organism All caused by same organisms but with different organism Symptoms appear within 1 to 3 Days Symptoms appear within 1 to 3 Days
Common Symptoms Sudden onset Fever Sudden onset Fever Shivering Shivering Chest pain Chest pain Cough Cough Difficulty in breathin Difficulty in breathin Increase Heart Rate (Tachycardia) Increase Heart Rate (Tachycardia) Increase in Respiratory Rate Increase in Respiratory Rate
Symptoms:conttd Generalized weakness Generalized weakness Anorexia (Loss of Appetite) Anorexia (Loss of Appetite) Flaring Alae Nasi Flaring Alae Nasi Whistling sound in breathing Whistling sound in breathing