Filming and camera crew and sound crew play one for the most important roles in the documentary. The camera crew play possibly the most important role in the documentary. If there was no film crew, there would be no film to watch, and therefore not having a documentary. The sound crew also play an enormous role in the documentary as well. If there was no sound, it wouldn’t be as enjoyable. This is a camera.
Editing is also a major role in documentaries. If there was no editing, there would be things in the documentaries that would be crap, and there would stuff in there that would not be needed, also making the video going for too long. Sound technicians, are also needed in all types of viewing programs, shows or movies and documentaries. They tell when the sound should be played, getting rid of excess background noise and maybe sometimes buffering noise.
The reporters are also the other major role. If there was no-one being a reporter, there would not be a documentary, as there would be nobody to report it. Reporting is also the role which reporters play. Reporters tell the viewers, what is happening in the picture, what is going to happen or what should be happening. Eg: The man was sitting next to the lion. The lion should be eating the man. The man should be getting mauled by the lion.