Note Taking From Text Mini-Seminar Libertyville HS
Methods of Note-taking Outlining (numbers / bullets) Well organized (w/ practice) Easy to review for tests Cornell system Easy to review for tests Simple, efficient (w/ practice) Mapping or a “graphic organizer” For the visually oriented Review materials easy to develop (w/ practice)
Outlining Easiest to create outline on computer Word: Format=>bullets and numbering=>outline – it is the second numbered box on top row
Cornell System Before taking notes, prepare your paper Draw line two inches from left side (1) Draw line two inches from bottom, across width (3) Write notes in section 2 Write cues or headings in section 1 After you finish notes, write summary in sect. 3
Mapping or “Graphic Organizer” Relates things from reading to one another Think of it as a “picture” of the reading material To review, cover facts and check your recollection
Making the Textbook your Friend! Use the organization of the textbook to organize your notes Chapter headings, sub headings & paragraph headings of book can become your outline points, Cornell points, or signal your next map idea When organizing notes, BE CONSISTENT!!! Put chapter vocabulary in the same place, every time (easy to find on quizzes, when studying) Use same format, every time
Best Approach to Textbook Note Taking 1.Read a section of your textbook for understanding DON’T WRITE ANYTHING DOWN YET! Why not? (write down too much, no processing) 2.Review the material visually and paraphrase Locate main idea(s) & imp. sub-points Put aside textbook & paraphrase (put into your own words) these ideas 3.Write paraphrased ideas into your notes Add enough detail from text to understand idea 4.Go to next section and repeat
Let’s Practice! Read the first 2 paragraphs of “The Neolithic Age: Agriculture” on pp 8-9 of your text book and follow the steps 1.Read section for understanding 2.Review the main ideas and paraphrase 3.Write the paraphrased ideas as your notes Compare your notes with your neighbor – are they similar? Different?
Your mission…… Choose a method of note taking and apply it to this weekend’s homework, pp 8-13 HINT – there will be an assessment on that homework on Monday!