Kashif Bashir1 mailto: Web: kashifpaf.greatnow.comkashifpaf.greatnow.com Parallel Circuit
Kashif Bashir2 Topic to be covered The applied voltage V A is the same across parallel branches Each branch I equals V A /R The main line I T equal the sum of the branch current Resistance in parallel Conductance in parallel Total power in parallel circuits Analyzing parallel circuits
Kashif Bashir3 Effect of an open circuit in a parallel path Effect of an short circuit across parallel branches Parallel circuit for the OR Logic Function. Continue Topic to be covered
Kashif Bashir4 The applied voltage V A is the same across parallel branches
Kashif Bashir5 The applied voltage V A is the same across parallel branches
Kashif Bashir6 Each branch I equals V A /R
Kashif Bashir7 The main line I T equal the sum of the branch current
Kashif Bashir8 Resistance in parallel
Kashif Bashir9 Why R eq is less then any branch R
Kashif Bashir10 Reciprocal Resistance Formula We can derive this formula from the fact that I T is the sum os all the branch currents or. I T = I 1 + I 2 + I 3 + …… etc
Kashif Bashir11 Reciprocal Resistance Formula
Kashif Bashir12 Conductance in parallel G is equal to 1/R. G T = G 1 + G 2 + G 3 + …….. etc
Kashif Bashir13 Total power in parallel circuits
Kashif Bashir14 Effect of an open circuit in a parallel path
Kashif Bashir15 Effect of an short circuit across parallel branches
Kashif Bashir16 Parallel circuit for the OR Logic Function.