“Let’s talk about protection” Prof. Mira Kojouharova National Centre of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases Diliana Dilkova Association “National Network of Health Mediators” VII th National Meeting Initiative for health and Vaccination 27 September 2013
Project background The measles epidemic in 2009/2010 showed Europe that the availability of vaccines that are free of charge is not enough as a prerequisite for obtaining high coverage and prevent vaccine- preventable diseases among population. So-called “hard-to-reach” groups are quite different: Parents sharing anti-vaccine attitudes Members of religious societies Hesitant parents Vulnerable groups (mainly Roma)
Project aims To perform cultural adaptation of European materials focused on: Facilitate the communication between HCPs, HMs and parents on the topic of vaccination Explain in simple language, graphics and pictures the benefits and risks from immunization Give answers to the most popular concerns that parents have towards vaccination
Project partners European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) World Health Communication Associates Bulgaria : Association “National Network of Health Mediators” and National Centre of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases Romania Hungary Czech Republic
Adaptation process Review of Practical guide for HCPs and of Presentation for parents by experts from NCIPD: including Bulgarian immunization schedule and other relevant materials reflecting the country specifics Carrying out focus groups and interviews with different types of stakeholders: HCPs – GPs, paediatricians, epidemiologists, Health mediators Media representatives Roma parents Mainstream parents
Results Culturally adapted and translated Practical guide for HCPs and HMs Culturally adapted and translated Presentation for parents
What comes next? Bulgaria was selected among the four partner countries to continue with second phase of project “Let’s talk about protection”. Bulgaria is going to be the pilot where the practical work with the adapted materials will take place. Activities: Printing of Practical guide and Presentation for parents. Presenting the materials to GPs, paediatricians, representatives of Regional Health Inspectorates, Health mediators, experts engaged in continuing education of GPs. Introducing the materials in three target places where Health mediators and GPs work in partnership. Carrying out of pre- and post-intervention studies among Health specialists and parents from vulnerable communities aiming to evaluate the results from the introduction of materials.
Target places and expected results City of Samokov City of Blagoevgrad Kovachevo village Expected results: - Increasing the awareness of parents with regard to benefits from timely vaccination of their children. - Improving the communication between Health specialists and Health mediators and parents. - Parents who actively search information for vaccine preventable diseases and immunizations and make informed decisions for their children’s health.