200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt Cell Membrane Solutions Molecular Movement Systems Regulating pH
What is the function of the cell membrane?
To separate the internal env. Of the cell from its external env. 100 points!
Name all of the parts of the cell membrane.
200 points!
How is a cell membrane different from a cell wall?
A cell wall is ridged and provides structural support around a cell membrane. Acts as a pressure vessel around the cell membrane of plants, bacteria and fungus 300 points!
What’s the difference b/w active and passive transport?
Passive transport requires no energy and substances move with the concentration gradient. Active transport requires the use of ATP by cells and moves substances against the concentration gradient. 400 points!
How does the fluid mosaic model help scientists explain the function of the cell membrane?
Proteins allow for active transport, phosholipid bilayer allows for Transfrer of small, uncharged, polar molecules. 500 points!
What is a solute?
The substance that gets dissolved into a solvent. Example: Salt into water (Solute) (Solvent) 100 points!
What are the three types of solutions?
Hypotonic solutions Hypertonic solutions Isotonic solutions 200 points!
A cell is placed in a solution and no change is observed in the cells mass. What type of solution is the cell in?
Isotonic solution 300 points!
A cell is placed into a solution that causes it to burst within 12 hours. What type of solution is it in?
A Hypotonic solution 400 points!
How can an unknown solution be identified as either a hypertonic, hypotonic or isotonic solution? Describe how you would design your experiment.
Put a homogenate of cells into different concentrations of the solution. Observe the results. 500 points!
Use an example to describe diffusion.
Answers will vary.... Perfume being sprayed down the hall... Air freshener... Flatulence points!
Explain how water enters and leaves living cells.
The process of osmosis is what allows for water to move across the bilayer 200 points!
Using an example from one of the labs from this unit explain how it demonstrated some type of molecular movement across a membrane
Answers will vary points!
Describe the concept of permeability
Permeability describes how particles move across a surface When a surface does not allow any substances to pass through it's impermeable. Glucose through a membrane= permeable Starch through dialysis tubing= impermeable 400 points!
Describe how your body uses diffusion to rid itself of waste products.
Within the lungs, tiny capillaries on the alveoli fresh oxygen diffuses in exchange for for the common cellular waste of CO2 Within the kidneys, small capillaries filter blood and through diffusion remove excess: water, salt and nitrates (ammonia NH3) 500 points!
What is another name for the gas exchange system?
Respiratory system 100 points!
What system distributes nutrients throughout the body?
Cardiovascular system/circulatory system 200 points!
Which part of the brain is responsible for temperature regulation?
The Hypothalamus 300 points!
What system regulates hormone production that helps support homeostasis?
The Endocrine system 400 points!
Explain how the gas exchange system and the cardiovascular system work together to maintain homeostasis.
Respiratory system exchanges gases with lungs, while the circulatory (cardiovascular) system exchanges gases with the body’s cells. The circulatory system moves the gases throughout the body. 500 points!
What does pH stand for?
per Hydrogen = pH 100 points!
A substance with a pH of 8.9 is considered to be a _____________
Base 200 points!
The pH scale increases or decreases by what mathematical factor?
Every jump between whole numbers on the pH scale represents an increase or decrease in the number of H+ ions by factor of points!
Explain how cells use buffers
Cells are surrounded by a layer of molecules that maintain a constant pH so when a cell gets surrounded by a solution with a potntially destabilizing pH cells can protect against immediate damage. 400 points!
Daily Double!
500 points!