Biology Vocabulary A - Not Asymmetrical – Not symmetrical
Ad- To, Toward Advertise – To draw attention toward something.
Auto- Self, same Automobile – A self-propelled vehicle
Bio- Life Biology – The study of life
Chloro- Green Chloroplast – Green parts of plant cells
Cyst- Pocket or capsule Cyst – pocket of fluid under the skin
Cyt- Cell Cytology – The study of cells
De- Remove Declutter – Remove clutter
Dia- Through Dialysis – Cleaning blood by passing it through a membrane
Endo- Inner, inside Endoskeleton - an internal support structure of an animal
Ex-, Exo- Outside of Exoskeleton - an external skeleton that supports and protects an animal's body
Hydro- Water Hydroelectricity – Electricity generated through the use of falling water.
Hyper- Above, over Hyperactive – Overly active
Hypo- Below, under Hypothermia – An organism’s temperature drops below their required temperature.
Intra- Within Intranet – A computer network used within one group or organization.
Iso- Equal Isosceles triangle – A triangle with two sides of equal length.
-Logy Study of Biology – The study of life
Micro- Small Microscope - is a tool for seeing things that are too small to be seen by the naked eye.
Org- Living Organism – A living thing
Semi- Partially Semi-formal – Partially formal dance, more casual than prom.