Combined Aerosol & Trajectory Tool (CATT) Development R. Husar, K. Hoijarvi, J. Colson, S. Falke Center for Air Pollution Impact and Trend Analysis (CAPITA) Washington University in St. Louis Project Officer: Serpil Kayin MARAMA January 22, 2003 MARAMA Mane-VU Science Meeting
Project Background The source-receptor relationship of particulate matter can be estimated by a number of empirical observation-based techniques. Some techniques are based chemical fingerprinting others on meteorological transport techniques. A particularly attractive source-attribution technique, Paired Aerosol / Trajectory Analysis developed by Poirot and Wishinski. It combines the chemical and transport techniques by: –Establishing the major aerosol types at a specific receptor location and time (PMF and UNMIX) –Estimating the geographic transport regions for each aerosol type (Residence Time Analysis)
Biomass Smoke Avg. Mass:2.4 ug/m3 (32%) Species:OC, EC, S, K Summer Maximum East Coast Residual Oil Avg. Mass:0.38 ug/m3 (5%) Species: OC, EC, S, Si, Ni, V Winter Maximum Secondary Coal Avg. Mass:3.2 ug/m3 (42%) Species: S, OC, EC, Na Summer Maximum Illustration of Paired Chemical and Trajectory Analysis, Lye Brook, NH Wishinski and Poirot (2002) Based on Positive Matrix Factorization, PMF results from B. Coutant and ATAD trajectories from K. Gebhart High Secondary Coal contribution (yellow- red) originates from Upper Ohio River region Low Secondary Coal values (green-blue) occur during transport from Quebec High Biomass Smoke is transported from the N-NW direction Low Biomass Smoke occurs during transport from Quebec and the Ohio RV Region High Residual Oil aerosol type is transported from the East Coast Megalopolis Low Residual Oil occurs during transport from Quebec Project Goal: Develop an interactive data query and analysis tool for the paired chemical/trajectory analysis
Data Input: PMF/UNMIX Source Profiles and Residence Time Residence Time (calculated as “hours per 80 x 80 km grid cell”) at each 16 site and receptor day, were calculated by P. Wishinski, VT DEC The ResTime calculations are based on daily ATAD trajectories provided K. Gebhart, CIRA. Prepared by Battelle and Sonoma Tech. Inc. The results of the Battelle/Sonoma PMF and UNMIX modeling are source profile time series for each location Typical Source Profiles Source attribution results (PMF and UNMIX) for 16 receptor sites between Illinois and New England using IMPROVE and CastNet data have been completed by a previous project.previous project
Project Objectives 1.Implement a relational database that incorporates both the PMF/UNMIX results and gridded trajectory data. 2.Develop specific SQL filtering and aggregation queries for aggregated trajectory data based on chemical specifications aggregated chemical data based on geographic specifications 3.Develop a graphic interface for user input (query) and for data output as rendered images or as exportable numeric data. 4.Transfer the resulting database to a designated SQL server and provide instructions for the addition of chemical and trajectory data.
Relational Database PMF and UNMIX data transfer to SQL –The PMF and UNMIX results were provided to us as Excel spreadsheet. –The metadata for the PMF and UNMIX were obtained verbally from R. Poirot. –The spreadsheet data were reformatted and imported in the SQL server two tables (ChemFactTable and LocTable) Residence Time data transfer to SQL –The residence time data were provided by P. Wishinski on CDROM including full metadata documentation –The data were imported into two SQL tables (ResTimeFactTable and LocTable) PMF/UNMIX Data CAPITA SQL Database ATAD Residence Time
Database Structure The dTrajResTime and dSourceApp tables share the site_code and date keys thereby allowing paired queries to the SQL database.
SQL Queries SELECT Lat as lat, Lon as lon, Loc_Code as loc_code, SUM(ResTime) AS [VALUE] FROM dTrajResTime WHERE ([Date] IN (SELECT datetime FROM dSourceApp WHERE (Loc_Code = 'loc_code') sql_filter_clause)) GROUP BY GridCode, Lat, Lon, Loc_Code ORDER BY Lon ASC Settings that are unique to a specific query are designated by red text
Browsing ATAD Trajectory and Residence Time Residence time and ATAD trajectory data superimposed for June 1, 2000.
Browsing Chemical Data Query/Retrieval/Rendering of chemical data from SQL server
Paired Trajectory and Chemical Data Gr. Smoky Mtn Pattern of PMF Clusters c3, c5, c9
Seasonal Residence Time Retrieval and Rendering Gr Smoky Mt, DJF Gr Smoky Mtn, JJA Lye Brook, JJA Lye Brook, DJF
Paired Chemical ‘Source’/ResTime Data, LYE BROOK, PMF Source C6 Sulfate, Titanium ResTime for High C6 (BioSmoke?) Chemical Conditions ResTime for Low C6 (BioSmoke?) Chemical Conditions
CATT data flow, processing, and rendering Spatial Slice Time Slice Time Portrayal Spatial PortrayalSpatial Overlay Time Overlay CATT Browser Aerosol Data Data Sources Multi- dimensional Data Cube CAPITA or transferred SQL RDB VIEWS Other Data (GIS, Met., …) Wrapper Trajectory Time Wrapper ‘View’ Processing
CATT Project Status Current effort to finalize queries and user interface ‘Public’ testing and user feedback is expected to being in April Develop relational database of PMF/UNMIX and trajectory data Develop specific SQL filtering and aggregation queries - Chemical filtering/aggregation query - Trajectory filtering/aggregation query - Paired Chemical/Trajectory data query Develop graphical user interface to database Transfer the resulting database to a designated SQL server