Monday: Bellringer (x-mas tree) When you are done please start a set of Cornell notes. Subject line: Wayne Thiebaud
Wayne Thiebaud Thiebaud was born in Arizona and now lives in California. (he’s 93!) He spent over 10 years working in NY and Hollywood as a cartoonist and advertisement designer
Wayne Thiebaud He is associated with the Pop Art movement because of his interest in objects of mass culture. Thiebaud uses heavy pigment and exaggerated colors to depict his subjects, and well-defined shadows are almost always included in his work.
Thiebaud loved repetition and rhythm. How does this piece show rhythm?
He also loved exaggerated color…
How does Thiebaud show depth in his cheese pieces? Are they the same color the whole way across?
Where is the light source coming from in this piece? How can you tell?
Creating depth: Making something look 3d Highlight: The lightest tone in a painting, drawing, photograph. Shadow: Area where the light source cannot touch, due to the form turning away, or to light blockage. (also known as Cast Shadow) Medium tone: The area along the boundary between shade and light where there is a visible mix between shade and light.
Notice how Theibaud doesn’t create perfect blending, some of the pieces are chunky with paint!
What colors does Thiebaud use for his shadow?
Where is this light source here? How many colors does he use for this one cake? Go in order from HIGHLIGHT to SHADOW
Today we will be drawing our own cakes. Once you have perfected your cake in your sketchbook or on a scrap piece of paper you can move to a large sheet. Requirements: Cake must be AT LEAST 3 layers (only 2 if you have a cake stand.