Police Officer
Table of contents Slide 3- Occupational Description Slide 4- Hours and conditions Slide5- work Location Slide 6- advantages and disadvantages Slide 7- Method of entry Slide 8- helpful high school classes Slide 9- education requirements Slide 10- wage and salary information Slide 11- Project job outlook Slide 12- Job posting from the internet-source included
Description They arrest and give warnings to people who break the law Spend a lot of time in the office doing paper work People in this field specialize SWAT, Hand writing and finger analysis They can ride in different things like… Horse back, bicycle, boat or in an ordinary car
Hours and Conditions 40 Hours a week Protection and service around clock Hours might change during investigation
Work Location In police car New Orleans Montana Chicago Denver
Advantages and disadvantages AdvantagesDisadvantages Protecting peopleMay travel on short notice Work a 40 hour shift but it may be longer because of an investigation May work in rugged terrain
Method of Entry You must be a U.S. citizen Must be at least 21 years of age You must meet rigorous physical and personal qualification
Helpful high school classes Your required a high school education Possibly 1 to 2 years of college with some degree
Wage and salary Police chief $90,570$ Deputy chief $74,834 Police captain $72,761 Police lieutenant $65,688 Police sergeant $58,739 Police corporal $49,421
Job outlook