Treasure Planet By Kenji Moir 1By kenji moir
Table of contents 3 movie summary 4 character/voice actor 5 movie facts 6 company 7 animation facts 8 bibliography 2By kenji moir
Movie summary ____ __ _______ ____ _______ __ _______ ______ __ ______ ____ ____ ________ Story of captain jack Looking for treasure Attacked by pirates Crashes on planet Meets B.E.N Finds treasure 3By kenji moir
Characters/voice actors Roscoe lee brown…mr arrow Dane A Davis…Morph Jhoseph Gordon Levitt…Jim Hawkins Martin Short…B.E.N Emma Thompson…Captain Amelia David Hyde Pierce…Doctor Doppler 4By kenji moir
Movie facts Made in 10 years 93muinits The composer of the musical score was james Newton Howard Net becomes first major studio Directed by jhon musker The director was responsible for Aladdin and Hercules 5By kenji moir
company The Walt Disney company Tugged with mc Donald's mc Donald's toys Walt Disney pictures Other films Walt Disney made Disney XD 6By kenji moir
Animation facts CGIwas used The ship was made by Disney's Deep Canvas process Made by drawings 2D and 3D three animations used simitaneusley 7By kenji moir
bibliography Info Images videos pl?id= By kenji moir