The excavation of the Tomb of Tutankhamun (c bc)
TUTANKHAMUN WAS A FAMOUS EGYPTIAN PHARAOH Tutankhamun was a famous Egyptian Pharaoh. He was just 9 years old in 1337 BC when he became Pharaoh during the 18 th Dynasty. He reigned from 1337 to 1328 BC
Tutankhamun is famous because of his tomb and treasure that was found in 1922 by two British archaeologist Lord Carnarvon and Howard Carter.
The Valley of the Kings at Thebes Upper Egypt is where Tutankhamun is buried. The archaeologist Howard Carter searched in this area after clues and a cup was found by Theodore Davis. The cup had Tutankhamuns name and his Queen inscribed on it.
There was over 3,000 items of treasure found in Tutankhamuns tomb. The burial chamber had the walls painted with pictures of his voyage to the after world. The Egyptians buried him with his treasure to take to the after world. Nowadays they are kept at Cairo in an Egyptian museum.
X-RAYS OF TUTANKHAMUNS HEAD AND KNEE Tutankhamun died at the age of around 18 years of age, it is uncertain how he died. X-rays found that his skull was damaged which means he may have been hit on the head which killed him. However there is also evidence that he had broken his leg and that a possible infection from complications may have resulted in his death.
There is a legend that anyone who is brave enough to open the tomb will be cursed by the Mummy
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