Noise Policy Options for Farnborough Airport – Presentation on work carried out by Hepworth Acoustics for Rushmoor Council Peter Hepworth Thursday 31 st October 2013
Scope of Presentation Brief Data sources Areas considered Recommendations for consideration Conclusions
Brief Assess current controls and consider options for future planning controls:- minimise the impact of noise and disturbance on the surrounding area control movements, particularly at weekends and bank holidays address the impact that the frequency of flight movements and individual flight events can have on the quality of life of local residents
Brief The assessment of possible controls of noise impact to be carried out ‘ whilst balancing this with the economic benefits that the airport brings’ Reference to be made to National Planning and Aviation Policy frameworks
Data sources Literature Review :- National Aviation and Planning Policies Existing Farnborough Airport Policies and Controls Other UK airport controls Worldwide airport controls
Data sources National Aviation and Planning Policies Little current national planning policy on aircraft noise Aviation Policy Framework produced in 2013 Airports Commission Paper on aircraft noise produced in 2013
Data sources Existing Farnborough Airport Policies and Controls Planning conditions Controls in the Section 106 agreement Farnborough Airport Noise Action Plan
Data sources Other Airport Policies and Controls Planning conditions for UK Airports Noise Action Plans for UK Airports UK Aeronautical Information Package Boeing website ‘Airports with Noise and emissions Restrictions’ (contains 650 international airports) Airport websites and published papers
Areas considered Is the approach of a restriction of movement numbers and a noise budget still appropriate or are alternatives better ? How can a review procedure be incorporated in to the control mechanism? Advantages and disadvantages of policies to protect amenity of residents whilst providing future capacity for growth at the airport. Control of weekend/bank holiday noise Subjective assessment tools
Areas considered Noise envelopes suggested in Aviation Policy Framework Consideration of changes to future operating hours and differential movement limits Maximum daily movement limits Operational hours at other UK airports Frequency of movements Monitoring of noise limits for aircraft
Areas considered Alternative noise limit schemes Recalculation of noise contours for baseline review Possibilities for tightening the baseline Use of LAeq noise units and other options for describing noise impact
Recommendations for consideration Primary noise controls to remain movement limits and noise budget contours Noise budget contours to be recalculated to take account of changes in calculation methodology or operational procedures Any future increase in movement limits to lead to smaller LAeq contours
Recommendations for consideration No changes to be made to operational hours Daily movement limit for weekends and bank holidays Maximum noise limits to be set for large and smaller aircraft with reporting of results Commitment from airport to phase out aircraft that do not meet the latest ICAO noise standards within a given time period
Recommendations for consideration No additional recommendations to control ‘subjective’ aspects Any future planning applications to include further information on noise aspects, such as N70 contours Further work to be carried out on assessing most appropriate aircraft noise limits and reporting methodology
Conclusions Farnborough Airport has a comprehensive range of existing controls In some controls, Farnborough airport leads the world e.g. banning Chapter 3 aircraft The current controls provide a good methodology for future controls with appropriate revisions and updating
Conclusions Some additional controls are recommended The recommendations provide a methodology for protecting/improving residential amenity and accommodating some future growth of airport operations