How the social norms perspective can help promote Inclusive education in Fergana region Yulia Narolskaya UNICEF Uzbekistan
Ferghana Uzbekistan Overall population – 30,075,600 people, 0-17 – 34% Ferghana – 3,229,200 people, 0-17 – 30% CWD – 87,900 61% – institutionalized 10% – home based education CWD – 7,725 11% – at home
3 Strong and broad Legal norms ensuring the rights of all children to education (Constitution, Ed Law, the Law on the Guarantees of the Rights of the Child, ratified CRC, CPWD…) The problem with IE – Legal Norms CWD are entitled to an individual program of rehabilitation, which should be implemented by medical or social institutions
4 Bolajon – “my dear Child” - Uzbek parents, in general, love their children and prefer to take good care of them, unconditionally, and act in the best interest of the child The problem with IE – Moral Norms Teachers have moral obligation to provide education to all children without discrimination
5 The problem with IE – Social Norms Parents of CWD believe that the most of the other parents of CWD send their children to institutions; they have not seen CWD on the streets or in mainstream schools; they may send CWD to school on condition that there is a social worker and teachers do not require from CWD same as from others (EE) Parents of CWD believe that: CWD will be better in institutions; they are not capable to take care of CWD; if CWD go to school the other children will be laughing at them; if there is future bride in the family it will be difficult to marry her; others will be gossiping about them (FB) Parents of CWD believe that they ought to send their CWD to institutions; they believe that the others believe they ought to send their CWD to institutions (NE)
6 The problem with IE – Social Norms Teachers believe that: CWD will be better educated in institutions; there is no space for them in class of 45 students; with CWD the learning achievements will drop and school may loose the good rating (FB) Teachers believe that parents of CWD have to send their CWD to institutions; they believe that they should receive additional salary and additional support and less pressure from MoPE if the CWD is in their class (NE)
7 The possible desired outcomes It is necessary to equilibrate & harmonize the legal, moral and social norms in order for children with disabilities to fully enjoy their rights for education Create common knowledge on - educate the core group of teachers, parents and children that CWD can study in mainstream schools and need to live with parents at home without being ashamed of this Conduct values deliberations during school Self-Assessment, the PTA meetings at schools and community - parents need to know that the other parents also think like this and do this teachers need to be trained and supported in order to prefer accepting CWD into their classes
8 Critical evaluation of the work so far Previous experience in focused on creating and strengthening legal norms for IE and methodological support for teachers – legal norms only don’t work; There is a problem with data collection as different ministries provide different data - not easy to coordinate; This case focused on just 5 most needed districts in Ferghana (1 of 14 regions) with high # of CWD and only home-based educated CWD age 6-10 – 43 children for 5 schools; Conducted KAP and have very little information on social norms – used student from psychological faculty to observe; Coordination and collaboration at all levels – MoPE, local Ed department, Pedagogical college and community;
9 Change in practices Conduct better diagnosis among core group in 5 districts of Ferghana around 5 selected schools using social norms questionnaires, i.e. : Asking parents: What do you think you should do with you CWD? What do you think the other parents in your community think you should be doing with your CWD? Do you think that the CWD can study in mainstream school? Asking teachers and administration: Do you believe that CWD can study in your school? What do you think the other teachers think about what you should do with CWD? Would you accept CWD if the other teachers have them in classes?
10 Change in practices Involve CWD to play in the youth theatre/ Edutainment program to conduct performances in 5 schools of Ferghana showing the possible changes in scripts: CWD study in class with 40 more children and how it is possible for everyone and how both children enjoy studying and spending time together; CWD in the class responding to teachers questions similar to the other students and teachers treat them same as the others, with support from the social worker or other child (in case of wheel chairs); CWD at home and playing outside in the community and everyone considers this as the usual situation not feeling ashamed or hiding;
11 Change in practices CWD will be involved into the school self-assessment and develop jointly with core group the school improvement plan and will participate in monitoring of changes happening in school and community on quarterly basis: Indicators for monitoring could be: # of CWD studying in school, # of IEP developed for CWD, Improved environment in school – ramps, etc # of meetings of teachers with parents of CWD, etc If any support from key reference network received # of cases of misbehavior of children withs CWD, etc