Computer Assisted Learning [CAL] R.Raveendran Professor of Pharmacology JIPMER Pondicherry –
What is this talk about? How to design? Producing a CAL package Need for CAL? Types of CAL
SimulationPractical : Theory : Drill - Question & Answer type Tutorial – Text, Audio, Pictures, Video Problem solving exercises (PBL)
Is there a need for CAL? CAL is a very unique teaching method Can replace / reduce animals Realistic simulation Fully student centered Highly interactive User friendly Meets the objectives Advantages
Producing a CAL package Decide on the topic Decide on the type of CAL Design the software Write the code Test it thoroughly Push, Promote & Propagate Do you have to be a programmer?
Start Design a CAL program Run similar software and observe TThink over how your software will look, run & function Screens HHow many? SScreen types Logo Main Menu Interface
Decide Design a CAL program Where to position text / pictures etc. (display area) User input / action (input area) Result (response area) Task? ext / pictures (supporting) Help / Instructions Input – Menu / choices Response – Answer / Action /Other Elements
Functions Design a CAL program Save Delete Print Extra Fittings ? Refresh Close Input Error Point & proceed Correct & proceed Give another chance Punish / Crash
Case Study Dog BP Simulation
Thank you for listening
Thank you for listening
Software packages available for CAL Free packages from : Software databases : InterNiche AVAR database EuRCA database NORINA database
Commercial Software packages Sheffield BioScience Programs Pharma-CAL-ogy British Pharmacological Society Biosoft – Software Loan from : InterNiche