By: Nathan Archibeque And Vicente Madrid Digital Arts and Technology Academy Renaissance Program Make Your GPA Soar Like a DATA Dragon soar/sôr/Verb Fly or rise high in the air “the Dragon soared into the air” “her GPA soared”
Jostens Renaissance Program –Founded in 1988 Jostens Renaissance Program will offer students with a GPA of 1.5 and higher with prizes and experiences that way students that do good in school get more for their work and making other students want better grades because they hear/see what the card holders get for having good grades. This program also gives the staff a good time by celebrating with the students at the events.
Gold 3.1 – 4.0 GPA2 – 0 Unexcused absence Per simester NO Referrals during the year Silver 2.75 – 3.0 GPA 4 – 3 Unexcused absence Per simester No Referrals during the semester Bronze 2.5 – 2.74 GPA 6 – 5 Unexcused absence Per simester No Referrals during the 9 weeks Criteria
The Cards Gold Silver Bronze
Product Price Place Promotion Marketing Mix
Jostens Renaissance Program Product
This program does not have a price to be in the program except for good grades. Price
Gold card holders get… –Shirts (Free) –Drawings for IPods –Pendant of dragon with chain –1/2 off of year book Silver card holders get… –Shirts (75% off) –Pendant of dragon with chain –Ear buds (blue JVC Jellies) –1/2 off of year book Place
Bronze card holders get… –3 Home work passes every 9 weeks –Gift certificates –1/2 off of year book Place
For gold and silver card holders they can get the shirts for free but for the bronze card holders they get them 50% off. Sales Promotional
Publicity Personal Selling Advertising Sales promotional Promotional Mix
We can hand out flyers, ask advisory teachers to hand out flyers, put up posters, put info on school website and/or put flyers on cars during advisory or lunch. Publicity
We can have the school’s face book send out info about the program to its friends. Personal Selling
We can have a contest for the students to see who can create the best (School appropriate) design logo for renaissance. Then make printings or airbrush of that logo on shirts along with the winners name. Advertising
What We Have Planned Kick off Every one in the school >> Next Month too!!! >>
How ‘Bout This Month? Gold card Picture day Silver card Picture day Bronze card Picture day Cards handed out. whole school present
This Mon th Too!!! End of nine weeks bash