Advantages and Disadvantages of Different Types of Media
audience(s) budget the communication channels best for your specific audience(s) and how long the communication intervention will continue .
Target Audience General public with specific audiences can also betargeted Strengths High Reach Audio and Visual Availability Interest, excitement and awareness can be generated
Weaknesses Expensive Program not on convenient time Not everyone has a TV No or little room for interaction
Strengths Medium to wide reach Message has to be simple Interest, excitement and awareness can be generated Relatively inexpensive
Weaknesses No interaction Only audio and no visuals
Strengths More participation More credibility More interest and excitement through gift winning offers. Feedback
Target Audience Literate population mostly Strengths Different sizes and color combinations Control on color combinations and aesthetics
Weaknesses No participation Generally not noticed At times very high on cost
Target Market Literate Public and that too a segment Strengths Very high credibility
Weaknesses Requires literacy No deep reach
Target Audience Very limited segment of population. Weaknesses People usually don’t read Requires literacy No deep reach
Target Audience Literate population segment Teenagers Strengths High potential for two way communication. 1:1 communication Provides timely info Can be used in crisis communication Low on cost
Weaknesses Short text and no design to attract Not much room to explain Zero aesthetic value Low on credability Irritating
Target Market Literate that too computer users. Strengths Participatory Global Inexpensive
Weaknesses Computer and internet connection needed Not very high on credibilty
Target Market General and specific publics Strengths Can deliver simple messages and slogans Not expensive Can be produced in-house
Weaknesses No feedback Require written and visual literacy Cant give long explanations
Target Audience Usually company employees Company’s latest information communicated Good currency Ongoing in nature
Target Audience General Public – Strengths Potential for feedback Sensitive issues can be touched lightly Weaknesses Can be costly Difficult to produce Can be time consuming
Target Market Different celebs serve different markets Strengths Highly engaging High credibility Weaknesses High cost Difficult to match their schedule