Diann Kirby Bloomington Noon District Governor
Rotary 101 Pop Quiz Q: What is the current membership of Rotary International – 1.2 million, 1.6 million or 2 million? A: 1.2 million members.
Rotary 101 Pop Quiz Q: What percentage of Rotary’s membership is female – 15%, 20% or 25%? A: 15%.
Rotary Club
Rotary 101 Pop Quiz Q: How many Rotary Clubs are in District 5950? A: 63 clubs.
Q: What portion of District 5950 clubs are “breakfast clubs” – one-quarter, one-third or one-half? A: One-third. Rotary 101 Pop Quiz
Rotary Club
District 5950’s Areas
Q: How many areas are in District 5950? A: 13 areas with 13 assistant governors. Rotary 101 Pop Quiz
Assistant Governors AREA 1 Kevin Klimek (Glenwood) AREA 2 Sam Dalal (Burnsville Breakfast) AREA 3 Todd Bollig (Eden Prairie Noon) AREA 4 Suzanne Plant (Maple Grove) AREA 5 Mark Marlin (Minnetonka) AREA 6 Open AREA 7 Mark Devore (St. Cloud Granite) AREA 8 Harold Storm (Gaylord) AREA 9 Eric Weiberg (Willmar) AREA 10 Erika Fields (Minneapolis University) AREA 11 Open AREA 12 Jeff Wosje (Plymouth) AREA 13 Aaron Thomas (St. Michael-Albertville)
District 5950’s Areas
District 5950
District History
4 Key District 5950 club Key District 5950 club District 5950
Q: What is the second oldest club in District 5950? A: Fairmont (1922). Rotary 101 Pop Quiz
Q: Which club has had the most District Governors? A: Minneapolis (8). Rotary 101 Pop Quiz
Q: What Minnesota governor also served as a District Governor? A: Elmer Andersen ( ). Rotary 101 Pop Quiz
Q: What year did Diane Confer become Executive Secretary for our district – 1978, 1981 or 1983? A: Rotary 101 Pop Quiz
District 5950
Zone 28
Zones 28 – 29
Q: Who is our director for Zones 28 and 29? A: Mary Beth Growney Selene of Madison, WI. Rotary 101 Pop Quiz
Zone 28
Rotary International
Rotary 101 Pop Quiz Q: Name the current RI president and his home country? A: Gary C.K. Huang Rotary Club of Taipei, Taiwan
Rotary Logo
Rotary 101 Pop Quiz Q: The Rotary emblem was chosen because it symbolized the fact that members in the early days were “big wheels” in their communities. True or false? A: False.
Rotary Logo
Rotary 101 Pop Quiz Q: What is the problem with this 1912 design? A: The wheel had no keyway so the gear was incapable of transmitting power to the shaft.
Rotary Logo Rotary.org: Brand Center
The Rotary Foundation
Rotary 101 Pop Quiz Q: The Rotary Foundation was founded in Cleveland in 1917 by what Rotarian? A: Arch C. Klumph.
Rotary 101 Pop Quiz Q: How much money has the Rotary Foundation raised since $500 million, $750 million, or $1 billion? A: $1 billion.
Rotary 101 Pop Quiz Q: The Rotary Foundation has six areas of focus – name three. A: Promoting peace, fighting disease, providing clean water, saving mothers and children, supporting education and growing local economies.
Polio eradication
Rotary 101 Pop Quiz Q: Today polio is endemic in three countries. Which one is expected to be certified polio-free next? A: Nigeria.
Rotary International
Zone 28
District 5950
District 5950’s Areas
Rotary Club
Diann Kirby