Ethnomathematics Digital Library Nancy Lane Pacific Resources for Education and Learning.


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Presentation transcript:

Ethnomathematics Digital Library Nancy Lane Pacific Resources for Education and Learning

Commitment to easy access for diverse users: Students Teachers Librarians Researchers Community members

Options to suit range of ability levels: Browsing by subject, geographical area, or cultural group Simple search using single terms or Boolean AND Advanced search by –additional fields –combination of fields

1. Needed to explain what ethnomathematics was and why it was important

2. Needed to develop specific strategies to attract each user group

3. Needed to draw on international partnerships

1. Explaining ethnomathematics

Ethnomathematics in brief What: mathematics practiced by indigenous and other cultural groups Where: worldwide, but concentrating especially on the Pacific Why: to help teachers present mathematics in a more culturally appropriate way, catering for diverse learners How: using learning materials on the EDL

2. Developing strategies for each user group

Students Worked with CSIRO Education Programs Articles in Scientriffic and The Helix magazines


The Helix

Teachers Teachers notes for Scientriffic and The Helix magazines Several articles in Pacific Educator, including a center spread based on The Helix article

Pacific Educator

Teachers Ethnomathematics topic in Nova: Science in the News (

Teachers PREL Pacific Educator in Residence (PEIR) to develop interest group and lessons using standard template

Maggie Augafa PEIR from American Samoa

Teachers Hands-on workshops at DELTA and MENTOR mathematics leadership institutes Hands-on workshops at Pacific Educational Conferences in American Samoa and Pohnpei

PEC participants making quipus

Explaining their quipu

Weaving and symmetry lesson

Weaving palm fronds

Librarians Articles in librarianship newsletters Short talks at library schools, meetings, and other professional get-togethers Workshops and demonstrations at library and information conferences, especially those focused on the Pacific Set in context of promoting NSDL

Researchers Poster session and announcement of launch at International Congress on Ethnomathematics Support of ethnomathematics page for AIATSIS library collection Poster session at Psychology of Mathematics Education Conference

PME Poster Session

Community Ethnomathematics topic on Nova: Science in the News ( Distribution of brochures –Libraries –Cultural festivals

3. Drawing on international partnerships

Advisors Panel provides content knowledge, contacts, and support worldwide

Eisenhower National Clearinghouse (ENC) provides cataloging and advice on thesaurus construction

ENC promotes the EDL through its publications and through conference presentations

Australia/NZ Partners Australian Academy of Science Australian Institute for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Charles Sturt University, Dubbo National Library of New Zealand, Alexander Turnbull Library CSIRO Educational Programs

Pacific Partners University of Guam University of Hawaii, Manoa University of Goroka (Papua New Guinea) University of the South Pacific (Fiji)

These partners promote the EDL through content development, publications, bibliographic work, networking, and website links

EDL Visits