Basic Nutrients Nutrition
Treat your body like a super high performance engine. Treat your body like a super high performance engine. Health Tip Metabolism: the rate at which the body uses energy.
Variety! Balance! Variety!
What are nutrients and calories? Nutrients: Substances in foods that help with body processes, help with growth, repairs cells, and provides energy. 6 Basic Nutrients: 1. Proteins 2. Carbohydrates 3. Fat 4. Minerals 5. Vitamins 6. Water 4. Minerals 5. Vitamins 6. Water Calories: A unit of energy produced by food and used by the body.
What are proteins? Proteins are substances that build, repair and maintain… MUSCLE!!!!! What has protein? Soybeans - Chicken/poultry Soybeans - Chicken/poultry Fish - Red Meat Fish - Red Meat Nuts/Legumes Nuts/Legumes
What are carbohydrates? Carbohydrates are nutrients that are the body’s main source for energy. Simple carbohydrates: Sugars that enter the bloodstream quickly and provide quick energy. Example: candy bars, processed sugars.
What are Complex Carbs? Complex Carbohydrates are starches & fiber. Long periods of energy. Includes most fruits, vegetables, whole grains. Includes most fruits, vegetables, whole grains. Starches: substances that are made and stored in most plants. Long term energy source. Starches: substances that are made and stored in most plants. Long term energy source. Fiber: part of grains and plant foods that cannot be digested. Fiber: part of grains and plant foods that cannot be digested.
Why is fiber needed? Fiber: helps prevent constipation. helps prevent constipation. may reduce the risk of colon cancer. may reduce the risk of colon cancer. may help prevent heart disease. may help prevent heart disease. How much fiber should I get a day? grams per day
I Need Fat? Why? Fat provides energy and helps the body store and use vitamins. 1 lb. of fat = 3500 calories Saturated fat: Fats that are solid at room temperature. Unsaturated fat: Fats that are liquid at room temperature.
What is Trans Fat? Trans fat comes from partially hydrogenated oil. Trans fat comes from partially hydrogenated oil. Used to allow for longer shelf life and gives food desirable flavor. Used to allow for longer shelf life and gives food desirable flavor. Risk of breast cancer is 3 1/2 times greater among women with high intakes of trans fats. Risk of breast cancer is 3 1/2 times greater among women with high intakes of trans fats.
Salt! What do Minerals do for the body? They regulate many chemical reactions in the body. What mineral is this?
Vitamins: Nutrients that help the body use carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. Fat soluble vitamins: vitamins that dissolve and store in fat. Water soluble vitamins: vitamins that dissolve in water and cannot be stored in significant amounts.
What’s best? Water or Sports drinks? What does water do? Regulates body temperature. Helps with waste removal. Makes up basic part of blood. Cushions spinal cord and joints How much water should I drink a day? 6-8 glasses of water (8 ounces is a serving) 6-8 glasses of water (8 ounces is a serving)
How long can you live without water? How long can you live without water? 3-4 Days