3 February Enabling Shipbuilding Interoperability ISE-6 Project Exchange of Product Models for Life Cycle Support ISE Overview Presentation (to be used as basis for Overview at Final Demo) As Presented on: February 3, 2009 in Port Hueneme, CA Presented by: Dr. Burton Gischner Electric Boat Corporation Integrated Shipbuilding Environment
3 February Agenda Integrated Shipbuilding Environment (ISE)-6: A National Shipbuilding Research Program (NSRP) Project to Enable Interoperability for Product Life Cycle Support (PLCS) –Overview of NSRP –Interoperability Problem and Solution –ISE Architecture, Information Model Methodology, and Roadmap –Current focus on Life Cycle Support –Summary
3 February National Shipbuilding Research Program (NSRP) Advanced Shipbuilding Enterprise (ASE) NSRP ASE is a collaboration of 12 major U.S. Shipyards focused on industry-wide implementation of solutions to reduce the cost of building and maintaining U.S. Navy warships The collaboration was created in 1998 by industry in response to the Navy’s request for a cost-effective, cross-program vehicle for rapid and effective implementation of cost-reduction processes and technologies to address common cost drivers The program targets solutions to consensus priority issues that exhibit a compelling business case – solutions that include both leverage of best commercial practices and creation of industry- wide initiatives with aggressive technology transfer to, and buy-in by, multiple U.S. Shipyards
3 February NSRP Major Initiative Areas NSRP is structured into six Major Initiatives that tie the strategic vision to proposed industry research through collaborative R&D and other mechanisms Each Major Initiative constitutes a strategic technology focus area that is managed and budgeted by the NSRP ASE Program The Major Initiatives include: –Shipyard Production Process Technologies –Systems Technology –Business Process Technologies –Facilities, Tooling, and Risk Management –Product Design and Material Technologies –Crosscut Initiatives ISE is a major effort under the Systems Technology initiative
3 February NSRP = Enterprise-wide Collaboration Effecting Large Scale Change with Industry-wide Solutions Accuracy control – metrology, processes and tools Benefit: Reduces rework labor, materials, cost and cycle time; enables automation Steel Processing – Laser cutting, precision forming, and tab & slot technology Benefit: 30% reduction in steel cutting costs; 8% reduction in steel plate usage in first production use Joint Lean Learning Curve - Accelerate adoption of productivity Improvement Benefit: Systematic, repeatable boosts in productivity from shop-level to design, engineering and supply chains eBusiness for Enterprise Integration – across construction, repair, logistics activities and suppliers Benefit: cuts labor and cycle time of daily processes by 60% Common Parts Catalog – Enterprise standard, shared parts database Benefit: facilitates standardization & IPDE initiatives; fewer parts to procure, inspect, certify, track, warehouse … IT Interoperability – Integrating shipyard IT systems (CAD, CAM, Parts …) across firms & functions Benefit: Reduces costs & acquisition cycle time, improves 1 st time quality, enables outsourcing
3 February Product Data Initiatives Alignment Total Ship Shock Trial LEAPS CPC ISE Navy ERP SPARS Navy Initiative NSRP Initiative
3 February Product Information Modeling
3 February Interoperability Problem Communication between diverse computer systems is a big challenge in today’s environment: –As CAD/CAE/CAM systems have proliferated in the U.S. shipyards, interoperability among these systems has become a major issue –Interoperability is an issue within a shipyard as well as between partnering yards and with the Customer This situation is further aggravated because: –Most recent and future ship design and build contracts involve multiple shipyards –Length of time to design and build a ship often exceeds the life span of current computer systems, driving the need to move existing data to new computer systems –Requirements for life cycle support of the ship will far exceed the life span of current computer systems, again driving the need to move existing data to new computer systems
3 February ISE Interoperability Solution The Integrated Shipbuilding Environment Consortium (ISEC) is attacking the interoperability problem on a broad front involving numerous standards, tools, and organizations including: –XML (Extensible Markup Language) –STEP (Standard for Exchange of Product Model Data) –isetools.org Website Demonstrate that improved interoperability will achieve cost reductions in Navy and commercial shipbuilding processes across shipyards and across the design/build/support life cycle Leverage past work by deploying information technology systems that meet the shipbuilder’s interoperability requirements Support other NSRP initiatives for better integration among shipbuilding enterprise functions
3 February ISE Interoperability Solution Flexibility is critical –Allow shipyards to transform their data to/from common information model –Enable each enterprise to use its own tool set rather than all move to the same tools Drive development of shipbuilding product data standards (e.g. STEP, PLIB) –Construct a single Shipbuilding Information Model –Demonstrate and educate U.S. shipbuilding community Develop and demonstrate tools that are low cost –Can be selectively used by shipyards to support interoperability –Capitalize on XML and related Internet technologies
3 February ISE Interoperability Solution The ISE Projects have helped develop standards, defined the approach, and implemented a solution to ensure information interoperability The goal of current and future efforts is to make these techniques and tools available in production to all U.S. shipyards –STEP Shipbuilding Translators –XML Tools –Common Parts Catalog Interfaces
3 February XML + STEP XML = Industry Standard Container for Data STEP = ISO Standard Language for Data Data Company A Standards Virtual Ship part(s) Company B Transactions of Data Packaged in Standards XSLT - map data to another XML schema XML : Accepted format/schema method Web-enabling STEP : Standards for data expression Standards for geometric exchange Data is independent of IT infrastructure, but standards are required to reflect system needs for exchange
3 February ISE Architecture Accessible to large and small shipyards –Only system dependency is Web infrastructure –Utilizes open standards Innovative integration of STEP and XML technologies –Supports sharing of geometry & geometric product models Permissive (mediation) architecture –Lets each enterprise choose its own tool set Amenable with CAD platforms used by U.S. shipbuilders ISE architecture represents an innovative, practical solution to the information interoperability challenge
3 February ISE Tools Tools developed by the ISE Project are made available on the Web at: These include: –Formal information requirements published Ship Piping Ship Structures Ship HVAC CPC Interfaces Electrical –Translator generators for custom representations –XML schema generators ISO ed 2 –Automated test frameworks for conformance testing
3 February Information Interoperability Roadmap ISO AP 239:2004
3 February ISO STEP NAVSEA Ship Program Standard Approved Standard In Work NSRP ISE Prototype Translators Testing Framework Information Model Phases:Requirements Definition Information Interoperability Specification Production Deployment ISE Information Model Methodology Contractual Specification Deployment, Integration, Testing Technology Business Decisions Standard in Work
3 February ISE Interoperability Focus Areas The Integrated Shipbuilding Environment Consortium (ISEC) is led by U.S. shipbuilders along with commercial software vendors, and information technologists This team has been together for nine years and has developed much of the infrastructure and architecture necessary for shipbuilding information interoperability NSRP funded program focused on interoperability using international standards – ISO STEP, PLCS, S1000D, W3C ISE-6ISE-5 ISE-4 ISE-3ISE-2ISE-1 Ship Arrangements Steel Processing Engineering Analysis Electrical Electrotechnical Product Life Cycle Support Requirements HVAC CPC Interfaces Structures Piping
3 February Interoperability: Current Related Efforts ISE-6(Enabling Shipbuilding Interoperability) –Deploy information technology systems that meet the shipbuilder’s interoperability requirements in the area of life cycle support and post-delivery operations NPDI(Navy Product Data Initiative) –To specify the requirements for and drive the implementation of product data systems based on an open architecture having suitable functionality and enterprise- wide interoperability to support affordable Navy ship design, construction and service life support –Initial version of the IPDE Specification has been written and delivered to the Navy for review and comment SCIM(Ship Common Information Model) –SCIM will codify the models developed under the ISE Project under NSRP over the past nine years –It will be a separate document from the IPDE Specification to be produced by the NPDI Project, but it will be referenced by that IPDE Specification –Initial version of the SCIM has not yet been completed Six of fifteen proposed chapters have been developed One of the remaining chapters deals wilt Product Life Cycle Support and will be based on the results of the ISE-6 Project
3 February ISE Team Participants
3 February ISE Test Ship – TWR841 This ship is used to locate and retrieve torpedoes and missile drones. It has a maximum payload capacity of 42 long tons which includes the deck cargo plus full liquids, full complement, and normal stores. This ship was selected because it is in-service, has a complete set of drawings available for distribution, and is: Approved for Public Release: Distribution Unlimited.
3 February ISE-2 Demonstration (April 2003) AP216: Ship Moulded Forms AP218: Ship Structure AP227: Piping
3 February ISE-3 Demonstration (October 2004) AP227: HVAC
3 February Washington DC Integrated Shipbuilding Environment HVAC Demonstration
3 February ISE-4 Demonstration (April 2006) TWR 3D Product Model Geometry Engine Room ISE-4: Ship Arrangements Engineering Analysis Electrical Design Steel Processing
3 February Systems Involved in the ISE-4 Interoperability Demo Initial DesignDetail DesignManufacturingLifecycle Support TRIBON ISDP LEAPS Engineering FEA Analysis FORAN Preliminary Arrangement Feed Mfg from ISDP Modify Arrangement Partnership Yard INTELLISHIP Repair Shipyard Suggest Design Changes Submit Design Approval Final Product Model Delivered to Navy GDEBNGSS Steel Processing Navy Analysis Programs Engineering Analysis B B C = Mediators Required Concept & Preliminary Design Detail Design Sener Intergraph EBC ADAPT Key: Atlantec = Demonstrated= Not Demonstrated Electrical KSS/KM Navy Response Center AP215 P21 AP215 P28 AP215 P28 AP218 P28 AP218 P28 AP209 P21 AP215 P21 A AP212 P28 AP212 P21 Submit Design For Approval Arrangements
3 February Compartment NameCompt #Volume (m^3) Air Handling Room1-8-3-Q Ballast Tank # V Ballast Tank # V Ballast Tank # V Ballast Tank # F Bosuns Stores2-2-0-A Bow Thruster2-5-0-Q Chain Locker2-2-0-Q CO State Room1-5-2-L CPO State Room1-5-1-L Crews Berthing2-6-0-L Deck Gear A Electrical Room1-7-1-Q Engine Room E Engine Room Exhaust Trunk Q Engine Room Supply Trunk Q Forepeak2-0-0-V Fuel Oil Tank # F Fuel Oil Tank # F Fuel Oil Tank # F Fuel Oil Tank # F Fuel Oil Tank # F Galley and Mess Area1-9-0-L Hold Head L Hold Passageway2-8-0-L Lazarette Q Lazarette Passageway Q Linen Locker2-9-1-A Lube Oil Tank F Main Deck Head1-7-2-L Main Deck Passageway1-7-0-L Observers Berthing L Pilot House C Pilot House Passageway1-9-1-L Potable Water Tank # W Potable Water Tank # W Provisions Storeroom A Pump Room Q Pump Room Passageway Q Pump Room Supply Trunk Q Void2-2-0-V Waste Oil Tank F TWR Compartment Overview
3 February ISE-5 Demonstration (February 2007) DXF or IGES (2D CAD) DXF or IGES (2D CAD) AP214 (3D CAD) AP227 (3D Cableways)
3 February ISE Interoperability Progression Interoperability solutions must apply to the entire life cycle Initial efforts focused on Design issues –Transfer between multiple Design agents –Exchange between Design and Construction agents –Transfer of Product Models from Design agent to Customer Later stages focused on Manufacturing –ISE efforts addressed unique Manufacturing issues involved in transfer of Models for Steel Processing, HVAC, and Piping Focus has now shifted to Life Cycle processes (such as Maintenance and Repair) –Involves different issues and requires different information
3 February Issues Arising for Data Transfers Throughout Life Cycle The information exchanged to support Maintenance and Repair is different from Design and Construction –As-built conditions of the ship needed –Changes made during ship’s service must be reflected in the product model –Updates to Catalogs for replacement parts must be available Ships have long life span (up to 50 years) –Ship will likely outlive CAD systems used during Design –Even computer hardware and storage media will not survive for life of ship Change management is a major cost driver throughout the life of the ship and should be addressed by any interoperability solution
3 February Majority of the total cost of ownership of a Navy ship accrues after the ship has been delivered Life cycle support; repair, maintenance and overhaul; ships’ operations, testing and training are all information intensive processes The Navy has steadily moved toward more modern systems and technologies to cope with the burgeoning information needs, but technology has evolved faster than the deployed solutions Issues Arising for Data Transfers Throughout Life Cycle
3 February ISE-6 Project Two year project, funded by National Shipbuilding Research Program (NSRP) Coordinate the use of the PLCS (STEP AP239), S1000D, and ISE standards to enable these standards to integrate more closely with the shipyard’s product model to enable product life cycle interoperability Phase 1 April 2007 through March 2008 –Integrated PLCS with ISE information models –Mapped core Navy ship configuration and logistics data to PLCS –Demonstrated an exchange to reuse configuration and logistics data across Integrated Data Environments (IDE) Phase 2 April 2008 through June 2009 –Integrate S1000D capabilities with PLCS and ISE information models –Manage change by linking S1000D modules to design structure –Demonstration details are currently being defined –Demo will probably take place in late April 2009
3 February Standards for Life Cycle Support Standards for Design, Engineering, Production (STEP AP 212, 215, 216, 218, 227ed2 ) (ISE information models) International ISO Standards Focus of ISE Projects since 1999 Standard for Technical Publications (S1000D) ISE-6 Phase 2 International Standard Driven by Aerospace, Defense Emerging DoD IETM Standard Standard for Logistics & Life Cycle Support (PLCS) (STEP AP 239) ISE-6 Phase 1 International ISO Standard Driven by Aerospace and Defense ISE-6 is Prototyping Use for Shipbuilding
3 February Summary Computer system interoperability in U.S. shipyards is a major issue facing shipbuilders and the Navy Enabling interoperability throughout the ship’s life cycle is a major challenge in achieving the goals of NSRP –ISE Project is addressing these goals by developing and prototyping the tools necessary to enable interoperability ISE-6 tasks support the development of future integrated technical data scenarios