USER NEEDS ANALYSIS GREECE ICT desert : Internet users 25%
Categories of need analysis Teachers MedicalProfessions Farmers/ Fishermen Local Authority Local Authority Professionals
Medical Professions training: medical material and equipment medical material and equipment Tutorials and support for this equipment Tutorials and support for this equipment updated and current information New medicines and research New medicines and research conferences conferences Administrative support (patients ’ files organization ….) communication with rest medical community e-shopping e-medical books, e- medical magazines.
Farmers/Fishermen training: ICT on line courses (internet research, services, updated and current information: on line data basis of legislation, legal documents … communication with rest community E-shopping (equipment, boats … ) e-ads e- books, e- magazines
Local authorities training: on line languages courses on line languages courses ICT on line courses (internet research, services, ICT on line courses (internet research, services, use of useful software use of useful software updated and current information on line data basis of legislation, legal documents … services and research conferences, publications communication with rest community e-shopping e- books, e- magazines,
Teachers Need for: training updated and current information administrative support communication with rest educational community Educational material (cd-roms, web platforms … )
Tourist Professionals training: ICT on line coursesICT on line courses use of useful softwareuse of useful software on line languages courseson line languages courses online tourist sciences coursesonline tourist sciences courses updated and current information New tendencies, services and researchNew tendencies, services and research conferences, publicationsconferences, publications communication with rest tourist community e-shopping e-tourist books, e- tourist magazines.
Skills in ICT Information about their Job Training about their Job Communication Do their job in a more efficient way