Title: Wild Man Island Author: Will Hobbs Date/Year Published:2003 Genre: fiction Title: Wild Man Island Author: Will Hobbs Date/Year Published:2003 Genre: fiction Name: Brandon M. Class Period: 4th
Setting Andy is on a ship looking for hump back whales. It takes place on a boat then the wild. On the boat he makes it like his house. And in the wild he finds a cave to live in and makes it like the boat to remind his of his house and his boat. The way he losses his boat its because a big storm come in the ocean and he falls over board and he starts living in a cave on thee land.
Characters Andy was captain of the ship. He has brown eyes and brown hair. Andy was also very honest. Their was a girl named Monica she had blond hair and blue eyes. Andy through she was beautiful.
Plot: Conflict They get lost in the sea looking for whales. And the ships get lost from another one. Then a big a real big storm comes and nocks the man over board. Then the man get washed up on shore.
Plot: Resolution He made the cave look like his boat and house because he misses his crew and his old house. He also made fishing traps and hunting gear to kill animals. He also took his air o to kill deer and hogs and he also had things like a knife to protect him.
Your Opinion I thought is was one of the best book I read, because the man learns to hunt and fish and everything like Indians. He is brave but he misses his family, but he keeps going and he hopes to find a way out or for some one to come help him.
About the Author This is one of her best books. She is a good author and I love all of her book I've read a lot of them. She is a good author and I will continue reading her book. I thank she has a lot of awesome books and I hope to try to read them all some day. I thank she has published a lot of books and she is a good,good author.
5 Test Questions How did they get lost? Hoe many days or months did it take him too learn the wild? How did he make his weapons? What animal did he kill first? How many people came looking for him and who found him?
Summary The man gets lost on a boat. He gets lost, because a big storm comes when they are looking for whales. Then the man gets thrown over board. Then he gets washed ashore on an island. After a few months he learns how to hunt and fish better. After that he learns ways of the wild and he is better at everything. Then a another man John find his way their. A few weeks later helps come looking for him to help them so they can leaves.