Outline What is “Bluetooth” Characteristic Security Comparison Application/ Conclusion
Wireless World IEEE 802.1X Home RF GSM 、 GPRS 、 3G ZigBee IrDA Bluetooth
About Bluetooth…… Where SIG,founded in September 1998 IBM, Intel, Ericsson, Nokia, Microsoft…… Why Danish King - Harald Bluetooth What Short range (10 meters) Frequency-hopping radio link
Outline What is “Bluetooth” Characteristic
Features 2.4GHz Range : 0.1~100 meters Low power
Features GFSK (Gaussian Frequency Shift Key) TDMA (Time Division Multiple Access) FHSS (Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum)
FHSS 79 (23)channels Each one is 1MHz Hopping 1600/s
Features Max Bandwidth: 1Mb/s Average Rate: 720kb/s 1 Master connect to 7 Active Mode Slave ( or 255 Standby Mode ones ) to from a Piconet Extension : Piconet -> Scatternet
Topology PiconetScatternet
States Standby InquiryPage Connected
Modes FastestSlowestResponsiveness HighestLowest Power Consumption ActiveSniff/HoldPark
Transport Protocol
Outline Characteristic Security
Frequency hopping Stream cipher EO
Security Mode1: no security. 應用於不重要的資料 Mode2: service level-enforced security. 富有彈性, 建立連線後才根據應用的不同來決 定安全性的高低. Mode3: link level-enforced security. 在建連結 時就會啟用安全模式, 如果沒有通過則連結不 會被建立.
Outline Security Comparison
Bluetooth V.S IrDA Convenience Radio wave V.S Infrared light Range meters V.S 1 meter Data rate 1 Mbps V.S 4 Mbps
Power 100 mW V.S 10 mW Safety Price $5.00 V.S <$1.00
Outline Comparison Application/ Conclusion
Bluetooth Products Mobile Phones
Bluetooth Products Computer Equipment
Bluetooth Products Home Environment
Bluetooth Products Automotive
Bluetooth Products Headset