Bosna i Hercegovina Agencija za statistiku Bosne i Hercegovine Bosnia and Herzegovina Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina Using official statistics to calculate GHG with reference to Bosnia and Herzegovina statistics UNECE Expert Forum on climate change-related statistics, , Geneve
The implementation of the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol in B&H Ratification UNFCCC 2000 Ratification of Kyoto Protocol – 2007 The first Initial Communication of BiH (INC)- submitted 2010 The second Initial Communication of BiH (SNC) The third Initial Communication of BiH- under construction The Frst Biennial Update Report (FBUR)- Council of Ministers of BiH adopted in 2015 Political and operational GEF Focal Point is Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of B&H – state level National focal point to UNFCCC is Ministry of BiH Entity RS- responsible to fulfill all BiH obligations
The Key Implementation Documents Study of Energy Sector (World Bank, 2008) The first Initial Communication of BiH (INC) (UNDP, 2010) The second Initial Communication of BiH (SNC), (UNDP, 2013) The Strategy to adapt to climate change and low- emission development in BiH (UNDP,2013) The Frst Biennial Update Report (FBUR) (UNDP, 2014) The third Initial Communication of BiH (TNC) (UNDP, under construction). Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina was not included in production of any of these documents
Collection and exchange of data on climate change related statistics B&H has not established the Environmental Protection Agency Relevant institutions for climate change on state level: Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations of B&H – Department for Nature Protection Agency for Statistics of B&H Relevant institutions at other administration 13 levels : Entities, District and Cantons
Experiences in calculating GHG of Agency for Statistics B&H Publishes regular statistical releases “Greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture and waste sector” It is result of cooperation and professional methodological assistance experts from Statistics Sweden, IPCC methodology used; data is not used for the purposes of Initial Communication of BiH for the UNFCCC bos.pd... to general public who wants basic information, easy to use and understanding...
Regulation 2150/2002/EC of the European Parliament and the Council requires reporting to the European Statistical Office (EUROSTAT) about the statistical data on waste, as well as,the use of common definitions and classifications. Sector2010 (Gg CO2 equivalent)2011(Gg CO2 equivalent) FBURAgency for Statistics FBURAgency for Statistics Waste Per capita/day 0,870,91 Agriculture Comparison of data from FBUR and data on statistical releases
Agriculture sector: Table 4-1 – missing data for goats in FBUR Table 4-4- Agency provides information of production for each of the crops for BiH Table 4-5- differences regarding amount of imported and manufactured nitrogen fertilizer (Agency used data from PRODCOM). This amount Agency reduced for exports (foreign trade statistics). Waste sector Table 6- Agency take total amount of collected municipal waste ( not just part indicated as household waste) Differences regarding % of population whose waste is being disposed in landfills and factors waste per capita/day
Air emissions accounts / Greenhouse gas inventories The air emissions accounts are one of several physical modules of the Eurostat’s programme of environmental economic accounts. They are covered in the Regulation (EU) No 691/2011 on the environmental economic accounts. Differences these two approaches : Classification of economic activities (NACE) / common technology-oriented category Territorial principle employed
Current situation: The lack of understanding the importance and necessity of establishing environmental economic accounts in key institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina; lack of inter-institutional cooperation; the absence of a functioning network data management; leads to: No sustainable data for decision making and reaching sustainable development goals!
Thanks for your attention Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina Department for Environment, Energy and Regional Statistics