STAGE 1: What are Established GOALS? Established goals are formal, long-term goals, such as state content standards, CCSS, benchmarks, departmental objectives, and learning outcomes. Example: All students will connect mathematics to other learning by understanding the interrelationships of mathematical ideas and the roles that mathematics and mathematical modeling play in other disciplines and in life. Example: MA Standard 8- Understanding a Text: Students will identify the basic facts and main ideas in a text and use them as the basis for interpretation. MA Standard 19- Writing: Students will write with a clear focus, coherent organization, and sufficient detail.
Basically… Established Goals (or the standards we select) explain what we want our students to learn from the unit. These goals will later help us to determine what to teach, what to leave out, what to emphasize, and what to minimize in our lessons.
Why is Goal Setting an Important Step in UBD? Backwards design is goal directed. We aim for specific results and design backward for them accordingly. Setting goals (and selecting standards) helps us to prioritize our work, to keep our eye on the prize, and to avoid the incoherence that comes from teaching separate objectives that are tested out of context.
Skills and Knowledge…what are they? How do we use skills and knowledge to help us develop meaningful lessons?
What is the difference? Reference Page 119 Understanding by Design Professional Development Workbook Skills are verbs (Students will be able to…) Describe Analyze Interpret Explain Compare/Contrast Infer Knowledge is a noun (By the end of this lesson, students will know…) Polynomials Photosynthesis Biographies Civil war vocabulary
You add both skill and knowledge to your lessons! Knowledge (Content): Students will know the steps of photosynthesis… Students will know the events that led to the civil war… Skill (Process): As assessed by the ability to compare these steps to respiration… As assessed by their ability to explain opposing viewpoints in writing… Task: Fill out page 119 of your workbook.
Where do we find the language of skills and knowledge? Task: Review the provided 3rd grade NYS standards and Common Core State Standards. 1. What do you notice about how these standards are written? 2. How do these standards determine what skills and knowledge to teach?
Analyze this! The NYS Standards and CCSS lay out the skills and subject specific content knowledge. They do NOT dictate how each educator will organize individual units. It is each teacher’s job to determine how to teach those skills using subject specific knowledge.
How do we teach these SKILLS to our students? We create subject specific activities that allow exploration and mastery of each skill!
What is the difference between a skill and an activity? SKILL A skill is a behavior or a tool that you want your students to be able to apply to any content for a deeper understanding. This applies to all content areas. Compare and contrast Analyze Define ACTIVITY An activity is the assessment you use to determine the student mastery of skills you taught: Use a venn diagram to compare and contrast photosynthesis and respiration.
With a neighbor from the same content area, choose three of the following skills, and put them into a content specific activity that you can use in your current unit… Compare and contrast… Analyze… Write about Research Discuss Explain __________________ ________________ Skill Activity
How do we use skills and knowledge to help us develop the big idea? Reference Page 119 Understanding by Design Professional Development Workbook -The CCSS tells us what the students need to know; this is the knowledge. -Skills are a spring board to the activities completed in a unit. Now let’s dive into stage two!!!