Key Project Drivers - an Update Ruth Pordes, June 14th 2008, V2: June 23 rd. These slides are in addition to the information available in “The Year 3 Planning Process and Schedule”. Goals & Plans of the experiments OSG Strategic Roadmap - two slides of comment Feedback from DOE/NSF review - please use the slides above
May 9, WLCG US ATLAS and US CMS tested their initial data taking usage rates and throughput during CCRC’08. They were successful in spurts but not able to sustain them the rates and throughput in some cases. In FY09 sustainability, robustness, and responsiveness are key. Contribute to goals and metrics of ongoing operations of WLCG and to specific activities such as CCRC’09.
May 9, US ATLAS and US CMS reource increase Summary of US ATLAS Tier2s %Increase CPU (kSI2K)4,9486,36922% Disk (Tbytes)1,5662,46737% Summary of US CMS Tier2s CPU (kSI2K)7,0007,7009% Disk (Tbytes)1,4002,52044% ATLAS BNL Tier-1 CPU (kSI2K)4,8447,33734% Disk (Tbytes)3,1365,82246% Tape (Tbytes)1,7153,27748% CMS FNAL Tier-1 CPU (kSI2K)4,3005,10016% Disk (Tbytes)2,0002,60023% Tape (Tbytes)4,7007,10034% OSG must maintain performance and scalability of the infrastructure with these resource levels.
May 9, WLCG MOU Goals - OSG support for LHC Tier-2s provision of managed disk storage providing permanent and/or temporary data storage for files and databases; provision of access to the stored data by other centres of the WLCG operation of an end-user analysis facility provision of other services, e.g. simulation, according to agreed Experiment requirements; ensure network bandwidth and services for data exchange with Tier1 Centres, as part of an overall plan agreed between the Experiments and the Tier1 Centres concerned. All storage and computational services shall be “grid enabled” according to standards agreed between the LHC Experiments and the regional centres. ServiceMaximum delay in responding to operational problems Average availability measured on an annual basis Prime timeOther periods End-user analysis facility2 hours72 hours95% Other services12 hours72 hours95%
May 9, WLCG MOU - OSG provides a Grid Operations Center Annex ハ 3.4.Grid Operations Services This section lists services required for the operation and management of the grid for LHC computing. This section reflects the current (September 2005) state of experience with operating grids for high energy physics. It will be refined as experience is gained. Grid Operations Centres – Responsible for maintaining configuration databases, operating the monitoring infrastructure, pro-active fault and performance monitoring, provision of accounting information, and other services that may be agreed. Each Grid Operations Centre shall be responsible for providing a defined sub-set of services, agreed by the WLCG Collaboration. Some of these services may be limited to a specific region or period (e.g. prime shift support in the country where the centre is located). Centres may share responsibility for operations as agreed from time to time by the WLCG Collaboration. User Support for grid and computing service operations: First level (end-user) helpdesks are assumed to be provided by LHC Experiments and/or national or regional centres, and are not covered by this MoU. Grid Call Centres – Provide second level support for grid-related problems, including pro-active problem management. These centres would normally support only service staff from other centres and expert users. Each call centre shall be responsible for the support of a defined set of users and regional centres and shall provide coverage during specific hours.
May 9, WLCG Operations Centers in the US Indiana University iGOC Scope of the serviceOpen Science Grid Operations Centre Period during which the centre operates as the primary monitoring centre 24 7 52 BNL, Fermilab Scope of the serviceUS-ATLAS and US-CMS Virtual Organisation Support Centre respectively Period during which the centre operates as the primary monitoring centre 24 7 52
May 9, US ATLAS Throughput goals: 200 Mbytes/sec data distribution across Tier-0/Tier-1/Tier-2 robust, sustained. 14,000 simultaneous jobs (10,000 simultaneous jobs 5/2008; must scale with number of CPUs. Tier-1+Tier-2 increase is 29%;) Middleware needs: Dependable deployment, installation and configuration of CE compatible with PANDA, Software for dCache, Bestman ad xRootD to meet SRM V2.2 spec WLCG SRM MOU & addendum. Support from centralized expert group for use of storage on OSG sites Glexec integrated with PANDA and accepted by EGEE sites. Support for software in the VDT and coordination of requirements and deliverables of external software providers as needed by PANDA and US ATLAS. Support for PANDA deployment, monitoring, installation and extensions to meet ATLAS needs Support for OS needed by the experiment, expect to evaluate whether to move to Scientific Linux 5 and/or to Scientific Linux 6. User and Worker Node Client tools with consistent with EGEE and providing interoperability at all levels. Contributions to the WLCG Contributions to the WLCG deployment of PANDA/pilot job infrastructure. Support for Physics Analysis based on PROOF: Multi-User support in general purpose Processing Farm environment Integration of EGEE-compatible Security across various Storage, File Transfer, Globus, Pilot Jobs.
May 9, US ATLAS Service Needs Critical?Interface to WLCG? YSecurity monitoring, incident response, notification and mitigation Communicate and collaboration with EGEE, WLCG to the extent possible. YAccounting - CPU, Storage & EfficienciesYes YUS ATLAS specific accounting reportsNo YReliability and Availability monitoringYes YIntegration and system validation of new and updated middleware. Test interoperation of new releases with EGEE infrastructure. NUser/VO monitoring and validation using the RSV infrastructure Perhaps YTicket HandlingBi-directional:US ATLAS OSG GGUS, including alarms. YSRM V2.2 Storage at Tier-2sTrack WLCG deployments. YCE interface to meet ATLAS throughput needs YReporting of trends in usage, reliability, job state, job monitoring. YGrid wide Information system accessible to ATLAS applications. No
May 9, US CMS Throughput goals: Demonstrate peak burst rate for one day, (or one week), once a month, for each permutation of Tier-2 to all Tier-1s of >50MBytes/second. Notes: the goals of the WLCG Megatable are very out of date for CMS and should not be used.
May 9, US CMS Throughput goals: From C-TDR # events produced and processed. Measurement is in ProdMon for production. For CRAB TBD simultaneous jobs. Terms of 33% of total number of total CMS events/jobs produced on OSG. Support for US CMS Tier-3s OSG software releases & documentation, operations, software and troublehshooting support to allow US CMS Tier-3s to easily and dependably join and operate resources to receive, analyse and write derived results from US CMS data. Middleware needs Dependable deployment, installation and configuration of Glidein WMS based workload management Software for dCache, to meet SRM V2.2 spec WLCG SRM MOU & addendum Evaluation of Bestman in US CMS environment. Glexec support and acceptance by EGEE sites. Support for software in the VDT and coordination of requirements and deliverables of external software providers as needed by US CMS. Support for general pilot GlideinWMS based job management and throughput to meet US CMS needs -including effective policies and prioritization across sites. Support for OS needed by the experiment, (Scientific Linux 5, Scientific Linux 6,increased usage of MacOSX) User and Worker Node Client tools consistent with EGEE and providing interoperability at all levels. Contributions to the WLCG Data storage prioritization and access control to meet CMS needs.
11 US CMS Service Needs Critical?Interface to WLCG? YSecurity monitoring, incident response, notification and mitigation Communicate and collaboration with EGEE, WLCG to the extent possible. YGOC BDII Information System with accurate information published by all OSG sites that support US CMS VO. Reliability publish accurate information to WLCG BDII YIntegration and system validation of new and updated middleware. Test interoperation of new releases with EGEE infrastructure. YAccounting - CPU, Storage & EfficienciesReliably publish information to WLCG APEL database YReliability and Availability monitoringReliably publish information to WLCG SAM and GridView databases NUser/VO monitoring and validation using the RSV infrastructure Perhaps YTicket HandlingBi-directional:US CMS OSG GGUS, including alarms. NTroubleshooting and user support, especially support from centralized expert group for use of storage on OSG sites YSRM V2.2 Storage at Tier-2sTrack WLCG deployments. YCE interface to meet CMS throughput needs based on GlideinWMS workload management. Job Submission Interoperability Track use of Cream and ensure WS-Gram sites can be used by CMS glite WMS (when glideinWMS used) YReporting of trends in usage, reliability, job state, job monitoring. Site level dashboard of usage, job state, efficiencies and errors across US CMS OSG sites.
May 9, LIGO Application needs: Full deployment and support of ws-gram across the majority of OSG sites. Support for data movement and placement on OSG sites for LIGO applications. Science results from running Inspiral analysis on OSG. Evaluation of another LIGO science application on the OSG. Middleware needs: Support for LIGO OS -- Alain please fill in Easier to deploy and upgrade software releases. Integration of and support for LIGO security infrastructure. Service needs: Critical? YSecurity monitoring, incident response, notification and mitigation YAccounting -Integration of accounting with OSG accounting reports YIntegration and system validation of new and updated middleware. YTicket Handling YCE ws-gram interfaces YReporting of trends in usage, reliability, job state, job monitoring
May 9, Run II Needs Continued support for opportunistic use of OSG resources for simulation needs. Maintain deployed middleware and services compatible with existing experiment software. Throughput DZero : 5 M events/week
May 9, STAR Support for xrootd on OSG sites. Evaluation and possible use of CEDPS workspaces on OSG sites.
May 9, Comments on Milestones from OSG Proposal (slides of “The Year 3 Planning Process and Schedule”) Reduce the “in-effectiveness” metrics of the Facility by 50%. To my mind this cuts across all areas in the Project and it would be good if each area could think about it not only within their area but also what could be gained by changing the boundaries between and scope between areas, not just within the Facility itself. Also, as part of the planning it would be good if all area coordinators could define ~2-4 measurements and metrics to be able to measure “in- effectiveness”. This is something I think Brian asked for but we did not have time to follow up on yet. When defining these please include a) who the measurement would be used by b) the value (e.g. less user effort, fewer wasted resources, better communication, more throughput etc.) in reducing the “in-effectiveness” c) how the measurement could be done and
May 9, Other Comments.. Other things : Moving to software releases that can be updated incrementally from installed versions, rather than fully reinstalled releases, as quite a shift in our model and may change our processes quite a bit. I would like everyone to think about how this could impact or could create deliverables for their area. I would prefer you put things in your program of work that you think need doing without regard to the effort available. I would also prefer any holes you are worried about get included in the area plans rather than left to chance later. I would ask that we include documentation, technical reports, administrative overheads, other cross-cutting tasks in each area somewhere as appropriate. If it is useful to merge we can do that later.