Economic Development at the Barney School Devon Johnson Assistant Professor of Marketing AACSB Northeast Business School Deans’ Conference
The Upper Albany Area of Hartford Source: City
Upper Albany Demographics Source:
The City of Hartford
Source: Upper Albany Demographics
Mission: “To preserve, revitalize and support the commercial district.” Designated in May 2000 August 2002 – granted 501c (3) designation Under the leadership of Executive Director Ms. Marilyn Risi UAMS works in partnership with University of Hartford 1 st urban Main Street Program in Connecticut Started by: Margery Steinberg Associate Professor Civic Engagement: Upper Albany Main Street
UAMS Office - UAMS Office Albany Avenue
In 2002 Marketing Professor Margery Steinberg developed a business practicum course: Micro Business Incubator or Marketing & Management Practicum A full semester 3 credit course that pairs U. Hart students with a micro-business in the Upper Albany Area Sharing Intellectual Capital: with the Upper Albany Community
A Service Learning Course Model: Service Learning Course Design Workbook, Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning (Summer 2001). Objective(s): To provide experience working directly alongside professionals involved in economic development in a disadvantaged urban area Class Room Strategies: Lecture, student presentations Assignment: Spend 4 hours per week in business Assessment of learning: Includes feedback from the business The Business Practicum or Micro Business Incubator
Instructed by a Business School Faculty – Professor Emerita Margery Steinberg 1. Program vision – University President Walter Harrison 2. Payroll management in micro-businesses 3. Locating and managing a franchise store - CEO of firm family owned 50 unit restaurant franchise business 4. Funding opportunities in Connecticut – Executive Director HEADCO Inc. - Not for profit, Community Development Financial Institution Spring 2011 Course Sessions:
5. Greater Hartford Chamber of Commerce 6. Tax management and tax challenges of micro-businesses 7. Micro-business owner –Challenges and Success 8. Community stakeholder involvement - St. Francis Hospital At each class students get a chance to describe their project and get feedback from the speaker Spring 2011 Course Sessions:
Micro-Businesses Selection Criteria Annually UAMS conducts a needs assessment of businesses within the Upper Albany area. Potential to accomplish the academic and civic learning objectives of the course. Graduate assistant manages the relationship with participating micro-businesses. Contacts participating business before the start of the course to assess suitability and discuss participation in the program. Assesses the stability and suitability of the micro-business work environment for the students. Maintains contact with the business to facilitate student feedback and maintain business commitment throughout the course.
Projects: What is your most pressing challenge at the moment? Logo Design Design Promotional Materials Ecommerce - transactions Web Design Loan Applications Marketing Plans Civil Engineering Human Resource Issues Redesign of Restaurant Menus MerchandisingMerchandising Market Research Retail Floor Layout Point-of-Sale Upgrades
More than 73 local businesses involved Over 8,800 hours spent by 200 students. Modernization: Keep pace with technology Remain relevant to customer needs Results to Date:
Funding Sources The University of Hartford The Hartford Foundation for Public Giving The Travelers Foundation City of Hartford Initiatives
Film: The Upper Albany Story