Marine Corps History LE-1508
New Commandant 1820 §Maj. Archibald Henderson §39 years as Commandant §Grand Old Man of the Marine Corps §Died in office
Seminole Indian War § §Andrew Jackson wants Volunteers §“Gone to fight the Indians” §Steam boat to Charleston, S.C. §224 miles to Columbus, GA. §Fought in FL. GA. & AL.
Significance of Seminole Indian War : §First action as an Expeditionary Force
War With Mexico
“Mexican War” §President James K. Polk §1st Lt. Gillespie §Whiskey Salesman §Veracruz (amphibious assault) §250 mile march to Mexico City
“Chapultapec Castle” §Protected Mexico City §30,000 Mexican Soldiers §200’ high Hill §12’ high Wall §Scarlet Trouser Stripe
Marine’s Hymn §First line: §“From the Halls of Montezuma”