2 Developing Joint Seabasing Capabilities National Security Strategy National Security Strategy JointOperationalConcept Joint Seabasing Seabasing~JointForcible Entry Entry Naval Operational Concept Sea Power 21 Joint Seabasing ForceNet SeaStrike~EMW SeaShield SeaBase~EMW Integrating Jointness... Warfighting... Resource Allocation Joint Capabilities Integration & Development System (JCIDS) War Plan Needs Integrated Priority Lists Capabilities Assessments National Defense Strategy National Defense Strategy JROC Future Capabilities Boards Navy Requirements Oversight Council Marine Requirements Oversight Council Navy-Marine Corps Board Army-Marine Corps Board Naval Capabilities Development Process Expeditionary Force Development System
3 Naval Power 21 Joint Seabasing ForceNet SeaStrikeEMW SeaShield SeaBaseEMW LCSSSNDDGDD(X)CG(X) CVN-21LHA(R)LPD-17MPF(F)HSCsT-AKETAOE(X)
4 JOINT CHALLENGES JOINT CHALLENGES Access Speed of Response Footprint Ashore
5 Meeting the Challenge Marine Expeditionary Brigade Equivalents Operation Iraqi Freedom Days Sea Basing Today
6 Meeting the Challenge Rapid Force Closure Sea Basing Tomorrow Seabasing Days Marine Expeditionary Brigade Equivalents
7 Maritime Force Packages Rapid – Meeting the Challenge - Crisis Response Across the Spectrum 4 Critical Regions Presence with a Purpose 2 Defeat The Efforts 1 Win Decisively Independent Strike Groups CSG Surge Expeditionary Strike Force ESG Surge Expeditionary Strike Force CSG ESG Maritime Prepositioning Group Maritime Prepositioning Group CSG ESG
MEB 14,400 Marines & Sailors Sustained Operations Ashore Echelon (SOAE) ~ 6700 Seabased Support Seabased SupportElement ~ 3400 Seabased Maneuver Element ~ 4300 Reduced Footprint...
9 THE JOINT SEA BASE Assuring Access
10 Transforming Defense Acquisition Old Process - Sequential MS 0 MS I MS II MS III (Production) Delivery MS 0 MS A MS B MS C (Production) Delivery New Process – Concurrent (Spiral) User needs and technology opportunities Transformation Requires Risk Management Approach To Technology In System Development (DoDI , Oct 2000) (DoDI May 2003)
11 Seabasing Timeline FYDP IOC IOC IOC Transformation Transition IOC IOC IOC IOC IOC IOC Class / Qty CVN-21 / 1 LHA(R) / 1 LPD-17 / 6 MPF(F) / 3 DDX / 7 LCS / MEB EFV / 96 MV-22 / 124 JSF STOVL /58
12 Sea Basing: Joint Power Projection Access Assurance Rapid Force Closure Reduced Footprint Ashore Anytime... Any Place - The Perfect Storm -
13 ? ?
14 PB05 Ship Procurement
15 PB05 Craft Procurement