YOU ARE THE GRADUATING CLASS OF 2019 Earn 22 credits (9-12 grade) Come to school everyday Pass National Standardized Test AND...
education career action plan
EDUCATION is Math, English, Social Studies, Science, Music, Art, Technology, & PE CAREER is learning about jobs & occupations in your future
USER NAME: st and ID # Password: ID # ECAP/Navigator PAGE 122 in your Fremont Planner
WRITE an Academic Goal
Academic Goal During the school year, my academic goal is to get at least Bs in all of my classes by May I will do my homework, use my MyMPS to track my grades and go to tutoring to help me reach my goal.
WRITE a Personal Goal
Personal Goal During the school year, my personal goal is get into better physical shape by May I will do 50 sit-ups a day, limit my sweets and walk the dog at least 5 days a week.
education career action plan
The jobs we think of are ONLY the tip of an ICEBERG!
Jobs in the PAST Jobs in the Future
Industrial, Manufacturing, & Engineering Communications & Info Systems Human Services & Resources Health Sciences Business, Marketing, & Management Environmental & Agricultural Systems
Industrial, Manufacturing, & Engineering Manufacturing Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math Architecture & Construction Transportation, Distribution, & Logistics
Business, Marketing, & Management Finance Business Management & Administration Marketing Hospitality & Tourism
Human Services & Resources Government & Public Administration Human Services Law, Public Safety, Corrections, & Security Education & Training
Communications & Information Systems Arts, AV Technology & Communications Information Technology
Health Sciences Health Science
Environmental & Agricultural Systems Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources
SPECIAL SYMBOLS “Bright Future” “Green Economy”
Remember to save a career by clicking on YELLOW star
1.“EXPLORE CAREERS” 2. By 16 National Career Cluster (brochure) 3. STAR top Careers 4. Post-it your Career
Detective John Smith 4 year College Chief Sue Jones 2 year Degree Surgeon Pete Tu Advanced Degree YOUR TICKET OUT THE DOOR…