Title I Federal Funding & Programs Frederick Douglass Elementary School Annual Parent Meeting September 3, 2015
Title I Overview All six schools in the Seaford School District are Title I schools. Each school operates a school-wide Title I program Largest federally funded program supporting fair, equal and significant opportunity for all children to obtain a high quality education. Title I provides federal funding to schools based on the number of impoverished and educationally deprived students based on U.S. Census data. Title I funds are used by schools to improve academic achievement of all students.
How are funds used? School-wide programs allow for the education of all students in high poverty schools (over 40%) to be supported by Title I funds Title I funds are spent based on strategies that are outlined in each school’s Success Plan, which is developed by school, parent and community partnerships. The plan is developed by completing a comprehensive needs assessment for each school, selecting research-based strategies and evaluating the results being obtained.
Curriculum All schools in the Seaford School District are in the second year of implementing new content standards. The Common Core State Standards have been adopted by Delaware in addition to 43 other states. The following programs are used in the elementary schools: ◦ Reading: Walpole ◦ Math: Math in Focus ◦ Science: Smithsonian Kits ◦ Social Studies: Non-fiction trade books and Delaware Adventure
Academic Assessments Elementary: ◦ DIBELS (Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills) ◦ STAR Reading and Math ◦ Math Formative Assessments ◦ District Developed Assessments ◦ Smarter Balanced
Parental Involvement Policies The district parental involvement policy was developed in 2009/2010 school year with the input of parents. The goal is to provide measures and means to promote parental involvement Each school will have a finalized policy specific to that school. Parent input into the development of this plan is critical.
Parent Rights As a parent of a student attending a Title I school, you have the following rights: ◦ You can schedule regular meetings with your child’s teachers or school administrators. ◦ You can obtain information on the level of achievement of your child on each state academic assessment ◦ You can obtain certain information on the professional qualifications of your child’s classroom teacher and paraprofessional providing services to your child. ◦ You can file a complaint to the State of Delaware Department of Education if you believe the Seaford School District is or has violated federal laws or regulations ( 8.shtml#TopOfPage) 8.shtml#TopOfPage
District & School Requirements Inform you about the rating of the school as determined each year by DDOE and why the school received that rating (Also see the District and School Profiles for more information: Default.aspx Default.aspx Inform you about programs occurring in the school that may benefit your child. Tell you if you have the opportunity to choice your child to a different school. Inform you if free after school tutoring is available for your child.
District & School Requirements Provide you with opportunities to be involved in school and district improvement efforts, including improvement planning. Provide timely notices to you if your child has been assigned to or taught for four or more consecutive weeks by a teacher who is not highly qualified. Provide you with the school’s parental involvement policy and school/parent compact and post them on the school website. Make notifications in other languages for the parents of limited English proficient students, including how these parents can be involved, and how they can help their children achieve at high levels. Have an annual meeting where you can learn more about your rights and ask questions about Federal Law and our programs.