I DAHO S TATEWIDE S YSTEM OF S UPPORT (SSOS) NNSSIL Webinar – Addressing the Needs of All Students through School Improvement September 12, 2012 Steve Underwood Director of the Statewide System of Support
SSOS – R OUND O NE (P RIOR TO 2009) ESEA School Improvement School Support Teams Distinguished Educators School Improvement Planning to Meet AYP School support offerings Idaho Building Capacity Principals Academy of Leadership Reading First Focus on Improvement, Corrective Action, and Restructuring
SSOS – R OUND T WO ( EARLY 2011) ESEA School Improvement School Support Teams Distinguished Educators Schoolwide Title I Other State Initiatives Making Meaningful Connections
N EW P ERSPECTIVE : I NTENSITY AND D IFFERENTIATION OF LEA OR S CHOOL N EED Most in Need of Support In Need of Some Support Least Intensive Need
O NE S TUDENT … M ANY P ROGRAMS Title I After School Etc.RTI Title I After School Etc.RTI What is the experience for the student? Are schools and LEAs able to be coherent if the SEA isn’t?
Statewide System of Support Traditional ESEA SSOS Focus Systems Improvement School Turnaround (SIG and Waiver Plan) Family & Community Engagement Response to Intervention GEAR UP 21st Community Learning Centers Educator Effectiveness (Evaluation) SSOS – Round Three (2011 – Present) Multiple programs and strategies that focus on rethinking the system of how to serve all students: College readiness in secondary schools Communities & Families School Effectiveness
Capitalize on Professional (Social) Networking Examples: Learning communities Training opportunities targeting teams Capitalize on Professional (Social) Networking Examples: Learning communities Training opportunities targeting teams Differentiate Supports Based on Intensity of Need Examples: Accountability requirements based on performance Differentiated monitoring Prioritize grants and services Differentiate Supports Based on Intensity of Need Examples: Accountability requirements based on performance Differentiated monitoring Prioritize grants and services Build Leadership Capacity Examples: Coaching leaders and teams Technical assistance and training opportunities Build Leadership Capacity Examples: Coaching leaders and teams Technical assistance and training opportunities OutcomesImpactsCore Components Systemic and Sustained Improvement Infrastructure State and local policies, processes, and practices sustain the continuous improvement of the instructional core by focusing on coherence, differentiated support, group quality, and capacity building at each level of the Mega-System. Systemic and Sustained Improvement Infrastructure State and local policies, processes, and practices sustain the continuous improvement of the instructional core by focusing on coherence, differentiated support, group quality, and capacity building at each level of the Mega-System. Evidence of the Increased Presence of the Characteristics of Effective Schools Clear and shared focus High standards and expectations for all students Effective school leadership High levels of collaboration and communication Curriculum, instruction, and assessment aligned with standards Frequent monitoring of learning and teaching Focused professional development Supportive learning environment High levels of family and community engagement Evidence of the Increased Presence of the Characteristics of Effective Schools Clear and shared focus High standards and expectations for all students Effective school leadership High levels of collaboration and communication Curriculum, instruction, and assessment aligned with standards Frequent monitoring of learning and teaching Focused professional development Supportive learning environment High levels of family and community engagement Successful Students All students (including those who have traditionally been underserved) are on track in relation to college and career readiness Successful Students All students (including those who have traditionally been underserved) are on track in relation to college and career readiness Develop Coherence Across the System Examples: Integrated Focus Visits Cross-program planning Develop Coherence Across the System Examples: Integrated Focus Visits Cross-program planning The Logic Model Behind Our Theory of Action
SSOS/REL A LLIANCE Goal of the Research Alliance is to ultimately: Continuously improve the design and implementation of the Idaho SSOS
Q UESTIONS ? Steve Underwood Director of the Statewide System of Support Phone: