Arts & Sciences Benefits - 6 - Enhance career opportunities available to students Deliver a unique, high-energy, educational event Expose students to the.


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Presentation transcript:

Arts & Sciences Benefits Enhance career opportunities available to students Deliver a unique, high-energy, educational event Expose students to the entrepreneurial career path Help students learn how to stand out to potential employers Fulfill many smaller companies demand for entrepreneurship skills Inspire students to pursue their vision of success TODAY "Entrepreneurs embody the innovation and speculation that help define the world of business. But just as they power the engine of economic change, entrepreneurs can also drive transformation on a more human level."

Fine and Applied Arts Benefits "Entrepreneurs embody the innovation and speculation that help define the world of business. But just as they power the engine of economic change, entrepreneurs can also drive transformation on a more human level." Enhance career opportunities available to students Deliver a unique, high-energy, educational event Expose students to the entrepreneurial career path Help students learn how to stand out to potential employers Fulfill many smaller companies demand for entrepreneurship skills Inspire students to pursue their vision of success TODAY

Department of Music Benefits "Entrepreneurs embody the innovation and speculation that help define the world of business. But just as they power the engine of economic change, entrepreneurs can also drive transformation on a more human level." Enhance career opportunities available to students Deliver a unique, high-energy, educational event Expose students to the entrepreneurial career path Help students learn how to stand out to potential employers Fulfill many smaller companies demand for entrepreneurship skills Inspire students to pursue their vision of success TODAY

Department of Education Benefits "Entrepreneurs embody the innovation and speculation that help define the world of business. But just as they power the engine of economic change, entrepreneurs can also drive transformation on a more human level." Enhance career opportunities available to students Deliver a unique, high-energy, educational event Expose students to the entrepreneurial career path Help students learn how to stand out to potential employers Fulfill many smaller companies demand for entrepreneurship skills Inspire students to pursue their vision of success TODAY

Department of Business Benefits Deliver a unique, high-energy, educational event Recruit students for entrepreneurship programs, majors, or minors Create a buzz about entrepreneurship and business across campus Establish and develop relationships with national, regional and local entrepreneurs Many businesses are demanding entrepreneurship skills - 6 -

Career Services Benefits Provide employers with sponsorship opportunities Expose students to the entrepreneurial pathway Turn networking breaks into a niche career fair Draw entrepreneurial companies to recruit at the EET Inspire students to go after their life vision! - 6 -

Alumni Affairs Benefits Bring back top alumni with an Alumni Entrepreneur of the Year and Life-Time Achievement awards Get alumni excited about a new entrepreneurship initiative on campus Bring back alumni interested in entrepreneurship - 6 -

Community Benefits Inspire economic development in distressed communities by:  Exposing college students and community members to an entrepreneurial career that will create jobs for themselves and others  Inspiring and educating participants in the importance of entrepreneurship to building a strong economic community  Encouraging participants to identify viable, local opportunities in their communities to avoid brain drain - 5 -