WHAT IS POPULATION GEOGRAPHY? Population Geography focuses on the number, composition, and distribution of human beings on the earth’s surface Population geographers are interested in population changes-both growth and movement- especially as they relate to the earth’s environment and natural resources
WHY STUDY POPULATION GEOGRAPHY? The study of population geography is critically important for three reasons: 1.More people are alive at this time- more than 7 billion - than at any point in Earth’s history 2.The world’s population increased at a faster rate during the second half of the twentieth century than ever before in history 3. Virtually all global population growth is concentrated in less developed countries
OVERPOPULATION Geographers argue that the world’s so-called overpopulation problem is not simply a matter of the total number of people on Earth, but the relationship between the number of people and the availability of resources. Problems result when an area’s population exceeds the capacity of the environment to support them at an acceptable standard of living.
POPULATION STATISTICS All population theories rest on an understanding of these basic concepts: Crude Birth Rate : the number of live births in a given year for every thousand people in a population Crude Death Rate (also called the mortality rate ): the number of deaths in a given year for every thousand people in a population Life expectancy: the number of years that a child can expect to live, given current mortality rates
POPULATION STATISTICS Total fertility rate: the average number of children a woman will have throughout her childbearing years Infant mortality rate: the number of deaths among infants under one year of age for each 1,000 live births Natural increase: the difference between the number of births and the number of deaths during a specific period
DEMOGRAPHY All countries have experienced changes in natural increase, fertility, and mortality rates, but their pattern vary considerably According to the Demographic Transition Theory, these changes occur in stages according to levels of technological advancements Demography is the study of population
THE DEMOGRAPHIC TRANSITION MODEL The " Demographic Transition " is a model that describes population change over time. It is based on an interpretation begun in 1929 by the American demographer Warren Thompson, of the observed changes, or transitions, in birth and death rates in industrialized societies over the past two hundred years or so.
STAGE 1 (LOW GROWTH): This stage is preindustrial, and characterized by high birthrates and high death rates and low population growth Children are seen as economic assets as they provide a steady supply of labor Death rates are high because of low standards of living and little medical technology The natural increase rate is close to 0 The Earth’s population was in this stage until the mid-1700’s
STAGE 2 (HIGH GROWTH) This stage is industrial, and characterized by high birth rates, low death rates, and high population growth Children are still seen as economic assets Death rates are low due to access to medical technology, and a steady food supply Many Less Developed Countries are still in this stage and see high population growth The Earth’s population was in this stage until the I800’s
STAGE 3 (MODERATE GROWTH) This stage is a mature industrial economy when the birth rate drops, curbing population once again. This stage is characterized by low birth rates, low death rates, and low population growth. The birth rate is low because more women are educated and work outside the home Children are seen as economic liabilities Women delay marriage and having children Death rates remain low
STAGE 4 (LOW GROWTH) This stage is post-industrial, and characterized by extremely low or even negative birthrates, low death rates, and low or negative population growth Birthrates are low or negative as women seek higher education Women delay marriage and having children even longer than in Stage 3 Medical technology is at the most advanced stage, increasing life expectancy Countries might experience negative population growth
WANT TO KNOW HOW MANY CHILDREN YOU WILL HAVE? TAKE THE BABY-O-MATIC QUIZ! 1.Family Life A.I never to marry B.When I marry, both I and my spouse will share the important decisions C.When I marry, only the man in the couple will make important decisions
2.Education A.I don’t know how to read, and I don’t expect I’ll ever learn B.I know how to read, but I do not expect to graduate from high school C.I will definitely finish high school, and may continue my formal education
3.Social Security A.When I grow old, or am unable to work, I expect my family to provide for me B.I hope to rely on my personal savings, when I grow old, or am unable to work C.When I grow old, or am unable to work, the government will take care of me
4.Status Symbols A.I believe that the position I hold in the workforce, and the money I accumulate in life are the most important gauges of how successful I have been B.A large family is more important to me that a successful career C.My status in the workforce is important to me, but family is equally important
5.Time and Money Management A.Raising children takes a lot of time and money, and I would rather be doing other things with those resources B.Raising children may be expensive, but it is something I want to do with my life C.My children will be very useful to me as workers, and will help support the family
6.Health A.If I have children, I’d expect them to have long, full lives B.If I have children, there is a good chance that they wouldn’t live very long
7.Personal beliefs A.I have been taught that my responsibility in life is to have as many children as I can, and I intend to do just that B.I believe that no one should tell me how many children I should have. That decision is for me and my spouse to make C.I believe that the world just has too many people, and we’d all be better off if there were fewer
8.Timing A.I’d like to be a parent by the time I turn 20 B.If I’m not a parent by the time I’m 40, no problem C.I’d like to be a parent by the time I turn 35
RESULTS Give yourself points as follows: 1.A: 1, B: 2, C: 3 2.A: 3, B: 3, C: 2 3.A: 3, B: 2, C: 2 4.A: 1, B: 3, C: 2 5.A: 1, B: 2, C: 3 6.A: 2, B: 3 7.A: 3, B: 2, C: 1 8.A: 3, B: 1, C: 2 Your score: 11: 0 Children 12-14: 1 child 15-17: 2 children 18: 3 children 19-24: 4 or more children