Chapter 22 Section 3 Review Page 564 #’s 1-8
1 Describe the pattern of air circulation between an area of low pressure and an area of high pressure. Air moves from regions of high pressure toward regions of low pressure.
High pressure and low pressure
2 Explain how the Coriolis effect affects wind flow. In the Northern hemisphere, winds curve to the right; in the southern hemisphere, they curve to the left.
Coriolis effect on winds
3 Name and describe Earth’s three global wind belts. Polar easterlies are prevailing winds that blow from east to west between 60o and 90o latitude in both hemispheres. The westerlies are winds that blow from the southwest in the Northern Hemisphere and from the northwest in the southern Hemisphere in the belts between 30o and 60o latitude.
3 continued Name and describe Earth’s three global wind belts. The trade winds are prevailing winds that blow from the northeast from 30o N to the equator and from the southeast from 30o S to the equator.
Earth’s three global wind belts
4 Summarize the importance of the jet streams. Jet streams are narrow bands of high-speed winds that blow in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere. They are important because they can affect the paths of storms and airline routes.
5 Identify two factors that create local wind patterns. Temperature differences between land and sea and between mountains and valleys influence local wind patterns.
Temperature differences between land and sea
6 Determine whether wind moving south form the equator will curve eastward of westward because of the Coriolis effect. Wind moving southward from the equator will curve to the east because of the Coriolis effect.
Coriolis effect
7 Which has a lower pressure: the air in your lungs as you inhale or the air outside your body? Explain. The air in my lungs has lower pressure. Because air moves from regions of higher pressure to areas of lower pressure, the air pressure in my lungs must be lower than the pressure outside my body.
The air pressure in my lungs
8 While visiting the Oregon coast, you decide to hike toward the ocean, but you are not sure of the direction. The time is 4:00 P.M. How might the breeze help you find your way? Because sea breezes blowing from the water to land generally form in the afternoon, I would walk into the wind to reach the ocean.
Sea breezes blowing from the water to land