What rights do women have in Britain? Do you think Muslim women have the same rights?
.. Know what women’s rights are in Islam Explain what the Hijab is Reflect on whether reasons for wearing the Hijab are good ones or not.
Women in Islam Women can choose whom they marry, and have the right to divorce if necessary. Important decisions require the consent of the both husband and wife. Muslim women's priorities are to her family and to her house Muslim women are encouraged to seek education – both by their husbands, and more importantly, by the Qur'an. Muslim Women have the right to start their own business. The Qu’ran teaches that both men and women are created as equals Muslim men have the right to marry up to four times but the Koran states that wives need to be treated fairly and equally. Muslim women can have high positions in government and other professions. Muslim women cannot lead Muslim men in prayer. If any of the wives work the money they earn is kept for themselves. Muslim women should dress respectfully in public and not wear make up or perfume.
Hijabs (veil) are worn over the head so that women will be seen for their minds and not their looks. Whilst watching the clip think about the following questions: Why do these women wear Hijab? Identify 3 reasons. Do you think they are good reasons? Write up 3 reasons why women wear the Hijab. Explain if you think these are good reasons or not.
Identify and explain in detail 3 reasons why Muslim women choose to wear the Hijab.
Should there be rules in England about women should or shouldn’t wear ?