Powerpoint Jeopardy BloodDigestion/circula tory RespiratorySpecialRandom
What do white blood cells do in your body? Category 1 – 10 points
What are the four parts of blood? Category 1 – 20 points
Name two jobs of blood. Category 1 – 30 points
Why do cuts scab? Category 1 – 40 points
Where are red blood cells destroyed? Category 1 – 50 points
Name and describe one digestive disease or disorder. Category 2 – 10 points
Where do you get energy? Category 2 – 20 points
What kind of blood flows into the heart? Category 2 – 30 points
What is plasma? Category 2 – 40 points
Name the three steps in digestion. Category 2 – 50 points
Name two parts of your lungs? Category 3 – 10 points
What is another name for your voice box? Category 3 – 20 points
How does oxygen pass from your lungs into your blood? Category 3 – 30 points
What is your diaphragm? Category 3 – 40 points
What happens to your lungs when you smoke? Category 3 – 50 points
What does the Pancreas do? Category 4 – 10 points
Why does your nose bleed in high places? Category 4 – 20 points
What kind of blood flows out of the heart? Category 4 – 30 points
What are the names of the three types of tubes that carry blood? Category 4 – 40 points
What does your liver and kidneys do? Category 4 – 50 points
What is respiration? Category 5 – 10 points
What is an enzyme? Category 5 – 20 points
What does the circulatory system do? Category 5 – 30 points
Why is the top of a stadium called the nose bleed section? Category 5 – 40 points
What do cells need from blood to survive? Category 5 – 50 points