Progress Report on the Work of the International Treaty since the Third Session of the Governing Body prepared for European Regional Meeting, - 27 January Lebanon Room Dr. Shakeel Bhatti, Secretary, International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture
Overview 1.Progress on the Multilateral System and Funding Strategy 2.Major Outcomes from GB3 Session (Tunis) 3.Intersessional Meetings up to GB4 (Bali) 4.Circular State Letter (inputs for and from Capitals)
Progress on the Multilateral System Further inclusions of genetic material in the MLS GB recognized need for MLS to be responsive to users and I am giving priority to assisting them to overcome implementation problems Information technology support tools for SMTA implemented this year First meeting of the Ad Hoc Advisory Technical Committee on the SMTA and the Multilateral System provided the first set of opinions
Progress on the Multilateral System Graphic from Fancy Fin Report
Funding Strategy: The Benefit-sharing Fund 11 conservation projects already operational thanks to generous funding by Italy, Norway, Spain, Switzerland Initial top-level investment made into the Benefit-sharing Fund Preparations for opening second Call, including expert advice
Major Outcomes from GB3 Session (1) Adoption of procedures to promote compliance and address non-compliance The Multilateral System of Access and Benefit- sharing Implementation of the Funding Strategy of the Treaty The Business Plan of the Governing Body of the Treaty The Third Party Beneficiary Procedures...
Major Outcomes from GB3 Session (2) Implementation of Article 6, Sustainable Use of Plant Genetic Resources Implementation of Article 9, Farmers’ Rights Relationship with the CGRFA Cooperation with other international organizations Work Programme and Budget for the Biennium
Intersessional Meetings up to GB4 4 th Governing Body Session, Bali (Indonesia), March 2011, with Ministerial Conference January 2010, Ad Hoc Technical Advisory Committee on the Standard Material Transfer Agreement and the Multilateral System February 2010, First Meeting of the Bureau of the Fourth Session of the GB February 2010, First Meeting of Ad Hoc Working Group on Compliance March 2010, Second Meeting of the Capacity Building Coordination Mechanism September 2010, Second Meeting of the Ad Hoc Technical Advisory Committee on the Standard Material Transfer Agreement and the Multilateral System October 2010, Third Meeting of the Ad Hoc Third Party Beneficiary Committee October 2010, Second Meeting of the Bureau of the Fourth Session of the GB October 2010, Third Meeting of the Capacity Building Coordination Mechanism December 2010, Second Meeting of Ad Hoc Working Group on Compliance All dates and meetings are subject to availability of budgetary resources. Dates of some unlisted committee meetings still to be confirmed.
Other Policy Meetings Policy Seminar on the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture: Global Challenges and Future Direction (Bari, Italy, December 2009) High Level Round Table on the Importance of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture for Future Challenges of Food Security, Climate Change and Agro-biodiversity (1 st July 2010, Italy)
Circular State Letter Circular State Letter on actions following the Third Session
Selection of items deferred *This is not an exhaustive list
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