Bari, 4-5 th November
Full list of cuts for VBF H-> , MSSM H-> can be found on
Example of NLO vs PYTHIA comparison from the past: bbh (I) b-quark was taken after gluon radiation PYTHIA gg->bbH describes p T b spectra at 4F NLO bbH within 5-10 %; Kinnunen, Lehti, Moortgat, Nikitenko, Spira. Eur.Phys.J. C40n5:23-32,2005
Example of NLO vs PYTHIA comparison from the past: bbh (II) b-jet was build from partons with simple cone 0.7 algorithm Campbell, Kalinowski and Nikitenko; Les Houches 2005 hep-ph/
Example of PYTHIA vs Sherpa comparison from the past : bbh PhD thesis of Markus Warsinsky 2008
p T Higgs in MSSM gg-> Langenegger, Spira, Starodumov, Trub. hep-ph/ : – The full quark mass dependence has to be taken into account – For large tan the bottom quark loops must not be omitted – The calculations has to be performed at the highest possible order of s * * The full SUSY-QCD corrections with full mass dependence of the loop particles are in progress
Proposal on how to compare exp ( /Z+b) with th ( /Z+b) Cuts used in analysis: –Exp. cut: p T b > p T exp cut –Gen cut at LO ME+PS : p T b > p T gen cut –Th. cut for th at NLO : p T b > p T th cut The way could be: –use Gen cut = Th.cuts (p T gen cut = p T th cut ) –use Exp.cut > Th. Cuts p T exp cut > p T th cut + ~ 2 x jet resolution –go from p Texp to p Tth cuts using MC; correct difference in acceptance (p T, ) between NLO and ME+PS using factor: R = [ th exp.cuts / th th.cuts ] / [ LO+PS exp.cuts / LO+PS th.cuts ], –for LO ME+PS apply p T / cuts on parton b-jets