The Bigbite second GEM tracker
SBS GEM Trackers Front Tracker Geometry x6 18 modules In Italy 50 cm x 40 cm Modules are assembled to form larger chambers with different sizes Front tracker: Six 40 cm x 150 cm GEM layers INFN Funding: to be built in Italy Polarimeter trackers: Eight 50 cm x 200 cm GEM layers to be built in Virginia 76 modules In Virginia Collaboration: INFN (Roma, Genova, Catania, Bari) and UVa SBS GEM trackers will form the largest area GEM tracker in the world
Fabricate 29 GEM modules by Oct Assemble and test at least one 50 cm x 200 cm GEM layer ( 5 modules) for Bigbite. Our plan is to build 12 (of the 29) SBS modules and instrument them with APV electronics in So it will be possible to assemble two back GEM layers for BB in time for A1n. All costs are budgeted into SBS WBS 2; no extra cost to A1n. Graduate students from UVa for installation and commissioning. 3 UVa component of SBS WBS 2 (Neutron FF)
A 3.5 m x 3 m level-1000 clean-room at UVa Clean room in a 4 m x 10 m semi-clean (1000 level) area. Equipment to build 40 cm x 50 cm SBS modules: GEM foil stretcher, with tension monitoring Dry N2 HV box, with picoammeter, for testing GEM foils Large ultra-sonic bath for cleaning frames APV 25 readout system developed in Italy, going into production now Two APV25 based readout systems with 5000 channels for testing GEMs: these systems being incorporated into CODA now. Wiener MPOD High Voltage system with 16 sensitive HV channels GEM chamber prototyping INFN and UVa groups have built and tested seven 10 cm x 10 cm prototypes 40 cm x 50 cm module design complete, has been optimized with two prototypes. Two 40 x 50 cm prototypes built in Italy, two more at UVa. 4 Preparations for the SBS GEM project
Prototype GEM tracker tests and results 5 10 cm x 10 cm prototype GEM tracker preared to go into hall A 70 m position resolution Charge deposition correlation between x and y stripes
GEM module construction status at UVa 6 All parts for 2 chambers now at hand: Readout planes arrived 2 weeks ago. – 1 Rome type + 2 Uva type Spent about 2 months developing techniques for GEM assembly Used test frames and foils Final procedure well established now. Final assembly of the first chamber (Uva type) this week and next week Readout and 2 GEMs already glued and tested. 1 more GEM, Cathode and gas window by early next week. Finish assembly by end of next week. SBS readout ( E.Cisbani, INFN Italy) New design (K. Gnanvo. Uva) Panasonic connectorsZIF connectors
GEM module construction status at UVa 7 New 40 cm x 50 cm GEM stretcher at Uva GEM foil and Frame HV test box Fully equipped INFN 40x50 cm 2 GEM module for a beam test at DESY Clean room at UVa
GEM R&D and assembly facility at UVa The mechanical stretcher Use for stretching GEM foil and glue it to spacer frames to keep it flat Stretch the foil to a tension bigger than 1kg/cm Method developed by Bencivenni. Et al. (LNF Italy) for LHCb GEM chambers\ 8 New 40 cm x 50 cm GEM stretcher at Uva
9 Test frames glued
GEM R&D and assembly facility at UVa 10 GEM foil and Frame HV test box: - check for curent (sector current < 5 nA) and sector capacitance.The 3 foils tested so far have been good. Test foils were bad (higher currents)
GEM R&D and assembly facility at UVa 11
GEM R&D and assembly facility at UVa 12
K. Gnanvo - SoLID Coll. Meeting, 02/03/12 Page 13