Unit Plan Summary Many responsibilities accompany the arrival of a newborn baby. Students will explore the needs associated with the care of a child, including financial obligations, childcare, medical insurance, job requirements, etc. Students will have to develop a planned budget to successfully live for 6 months with predetermined factors. Each group will then present plan in the form of a power-point.
Essential Question Are you ready?
Unit Questions 1. What bills are associated with everyday living? 2. What must a parent’s income be to provide for a family? Content Questions 1.What are the costs associated with having a baby? 2. What responsibilities are there when caring for a baby?
Parenthood: Are You Ready? This project will help my students develop 21 st century skills by: Collaborating with peers Solving problems and making decisions about life skills Presenting findings with peers by way of power-point
Gauging Student Needs Purpose of the Assessment To gather information about what students already know and what they wonder about raising a family. What I want to learn from my students? I want to find out what they already know about the Unit Questions and what they know current trends. How I have tried to promote higher-order thinking? I asked students to research current living costs and apply those costs, plus the cost of having a child, to the current income levels of today’s jobs.
Assessment How are the assessments going to help me and my students plan for upcoming activities in the unit? I can scaffold the lessons and projects to meet the needs of the students. I will also be able to provide various resources to build background knowledge. Assessment will continue throughout lesson to gauge students’ learning. Assessment Techniques PowerPoint presentation Worksheets Class Discussions Budget Plan Income Plan Materials Needed Checklist
My Goals for the Course Find ways to get my students to make educated life decisions. Have students realize the burden of becoming a parent at a young age. Have students realize what a good job can mean for a family structure.
Goals for My Students To have information available needed to make an educated life decision To learn what income is needed to have a successful desired life situation To learn about the costs and responsibilities of raising a child To learn the costs of everyday living