Do I Have Job Stereotypes?
FirefighterConstruction worker Electrician President Architect MechanicCashierNurseSecretary Doctor What Do They Do? Civil servant LawyerReceptionist
Should these jobs be taken by men or women? Put them in the following table. And explain your reasons. Jobs for MenJobs for Women What Do They Do?
Jobs for MenJobs for Women NurseCashierReceptionistSecretaryCivil servantDoctorMechanicLawyerConstruction workerFirefighterArchitectPresident Electrician
ReflectionReflection Do I Have Job Stereotypes?
Are there jobs that cannot be done by men? Are there jobs that cannot be done by women? ReflectionReflection
Guess It ! A doctor and a nurse have a baby boy. But the boy’s father is not the doctor and the mother is not the nurse. How can it be?
Guess It ! The doctor is the mother and the nurse is the father !
What is a Nontraditional Occupation? Think about It !
A nontraditional occupation is one in which 75% or more of the people employed in that occupation are of the same sex. Construction work is an example of a nontraditional occupation for women, while it is nontraditional for a man to be a nurse. Think about It !
Nontraditional Occupations for Men Nontraditional Occupations for Men NurseNurse School teacher Cashier Flight attendant ReceptionistReceptionist SecretarySecretary
Nontraditional Occupations for Women Nontraditional Occupations for Women Engineer Computer scientist Fire fighter Construction worker Electrician Truck driver President
If you were a nurse (man)/ a construction worker (woman), would there be any benefits or difficulties for you? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of nontraditional occupations. Think about It!
AdvantagesDisadvantages Answers For Reference Work satisfaction More training needed more attention, more pressure. A model of showing equality between two genders. (Higher Salary) More attention, more confidence. Isolation Discrimination Lack of support