Honiton Community College Options 2015 Andy Holt January 2015
OfSTED 2014 “The curriculum caters well for the needs of all students”
Mission Statement “Success for all”
A changing landscape New GCSEs Reduced coursework New content Abolition of tiers in many subjects Increasing challenge Grading – students will receive a number where 9 is the top grade and 1 the bottom.
Comparison of new and old scales New grading scaleOld grading scale 920% of those achieving grade 7 & above 8 7A 6 5B/C 4C 3 2 1G update5
Statutory Requirements Religious Education Life Skills – Personal, Social and Health Education Physical Education English Mathematics Science
New GCSEs Only top ability students and those with commitment should study separate sciences of Biology, Chemistry and Physics. National percentages are around 22% of the cohort.
Honiton Community College CREATE Visual Arts Options 2015 Ms Blockley January 2015
Visual Arts o Fine Art o Photography o Textiles
Three Year GCSE Structure Year 9 = Foundation Studies Students opt for ‘Arts’ in option block 4. Over the year students study a theme through a Fine Art project, a Photography project, and a Textiles project. In the Summer term students and staff discuss each student’s strengths and preferences to support students’ option choice for year 10. Students complete their year 9 theme in their chosen specialism. Year 10 & 11 = specialise (choose Fine Art or Photography or Textiles with staff support)
Why Study Visual Arts GCSE? Cultural understanding Relationships Exploring thinking and drawing, experimenting Attention to detail and observation Technical skill, practice and confidence Imagination, invention and expression Vocational skills: independence, organisation Enjoyment and happiness
BUT I CAN’T DRAW!!!?? GCSE Arts subjects involve a variety of ways to observe and record the world around us Drawing is part of what we do but drawing can be approached in a wide range of ways. Drawing is about thinking and imagination as much as it can be about drawing something from observation. Drawing is a skill that develops with practice and confidence. You are not expected to already be able to complete your GCSE now; we will support you to develop your skills and talents over the three years of your GCSE and with practice you will improve. Take time to discuss your choices with your Art teachers (Ms Blockley, Miss Hichens, Mrs Duncan, Miss Adams).
The next three years of your school life; how do you decide? Consider What do you like doing? What are you good at already? How balanced is your choice (consider exams, coursework, range of subjects, future choices)? What do you think you want to do when you leave school? Discuss with your tutor, subject teachers, parents, and careers sites. Beware these pitfalls Worrying about what your friends are doing Choosing because of the teachers you might have Trying to choose what seems to be the easiest option
Timescales Tonight – Options Booklet – information gathering Next week – Tutors talk to students and parents if available 5 th March – Year 8 Parents’ Evening 15 th – 20 th March Options cards accepted in the front office. Allocations made on a first come, first served basis. June – Publication of options awarded to students.
Subject Fair Gathering Information.