Key Stage 3 National Strategy Module 4 Science for gifted pupils.


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Presentation transcript:

Key Stage 3 National Strategy Module 4 Science for gifted pupils

Key Stage 3 National Strategy Objectives To help teachers identify pupils who are able in Key Stage 3 science.To help teachers identify pupils who are able in Key Stage 3 science. To promote ways of using the Framework for teaching science: Years 7, 8 and 9 to help structure learning for able pupils.To promote ways of using the Framework for teaching science: Years 7, 8 and 9 to help structure learning for able pupils. To develop a teaching repertoire to support and challenge able pupils in science.To develop a teaching repertoire to support and challenge able pupils in science. Slide 4.1

Key Stage 3 National Strategy Task A Able young scientists in our school We all know who are the naturally able scientists in Year 7.We all know who are the naturally able scientists in Year 7. We need to make sure we encourage and stretch the most able – they are the science teachers of the future.We need to make sure we encourage and stretch the most able – they are the science teachers of the future. Lots of our pupils get good GCSE grades, so we must be getting it right.Lots of our pupils get good GCSE grades, so we must be getting it right. Pupils who are good at science are good at most subjects.Pupils who are good at science are good at most subjects. We know what our able pupils think of their science lessons.We know what our able pupils think of their science lessons. We always spot underachieving able pupils.We always spot underachieving able pupils. Slide 4.2 Discuss the following statements:

Key Stage 3 National Strategy Read handout 4.3 and consider the characteristics of able pupils in science.Read handout 4.3 and consider the characteristics of able pupils in science. Do you agree with them all? Can you suggest other characteristics?Do you agree with them all? Can you suggest other characteristics? Which do you consider are most indicative of able pupils?Which do you consider are most indicative of able pupils? Slide 4.4 Task B

Key Stage 3 National Strategy Task C Identifying able pupils For one of the classes you teach, consider each pupil in turn against the characteristics on the handout.For one of the classes you teach, consider each pupil in turn against the characteristics on the handout. Asterisk those pupils who are likely to be able in science.Asterisk those pupils who are likely to be able in science. Are there any surprises? Discuss your lists with each other. Can you identify your able pupils for a year cohort?Are there any surprises? Discuss your lists with each other. Can you identify your able pupils for a year cohort? Slide 4.5 In the context of the Key Stage 3 National Strategy, able pupils are those who are in the top 5–10% of each school cohort.

Key Stage 3 National Strategy Your able pupils What could you do for the able pupils you have identified in your next lesson?What could you do for the able pupils you have identified in your next lesson? Are there able pupils who you have identified that may have been missed in other subjects, e.g. geography?Are there able pupils who you have identified that may have been missed in other subjects, e.g. geography? Slide 4.6

Key Stage 3 National Strategy Provision for able pupils enrichment – applying skills and understanding to a wider range of problems, including unfamiliar contexts, and bringing together different strands of the subject;enrichment – applying skills and understanding to a wider range of problems, including unfamiliar contexts, and bringing together different strands of the subject; extension – working in greater depth, with increasing complexity, subtlety or abstraction;extension – working in greater depth, with increasing complexity, subtlety or abstraction; acceleration – provided by extending the ‘pitch’ of learning objectives to those expected of older pupils, or introducing objectives from later years.acceleration – provided by extending the ‘pitch’ of learning objectives to those expected of older pupils, or introducing objectives from later years. Slide 4.7 Able pupils need opportunities for:

Key Stage 3 National Strategy Slide 4.8 Progression → level 5 apply/begin to use abstract ideas → level 6 using abstract ideas and models in explanations → level 7 linking ideas together → level 8 synthesising of ideas and evidence (to predict/evaluate/quantify and argue cogently). In the key ideas, progression moves from level 4 generalisation

Key Stage 3 National Strategy Task D Extension Use handout 4.13 and briefly discuss with a colleague one of the questions posed in your own preferred discipline.Use handout 4.13 and briefly discuss with a colleague one of the questions posed in your own preferred discipline. Feed back to the rest of your department with the ideas that you have to answer the question. You should consider using at least one key scientific idea from the Framework for teaching science: Years 7, 8 and 9.Feed back to the rest of your department with the ideas that you have to answer the question. You should consider using at least one key scientific idea from the Framework for teaching science: Years 7, 8 and 9. Use whatever presentation technique you wish. Your colleagues will use traffic lights to show whether they fully, partially or do not understand your explanations.Use whatever presentation technique you wish. Your colleagues will use traffic lights to show whether they fully, partially or do not understand your explanations. Think of one similar question for a Year 9 unit.Think of one similar question for a Year 9 unit. Slide 4.12

Key Stage 3 National Strategy Reviewing your provision Refer to your pre-unit task.Refer to your pre-unit task. Brainstorm the current and additional provision to include able pupils in lessons.Brainstorm the current and additional provision to include able pupils in lessons. Flipchart the results, highlighting what needs to be done.Flipchart the results, highlighting what needs to be done. Slide 4.14

Key Stage 3 National Strategy Task F Scientific enquiry – reaction time Look at the A0 planning sheet for Scientific enquiry and refer to notes from pages 37–39 from the Scientific enquiry unit.Look at the A0 planning sheet for Scientific enquiry and refer to notes from pages 37–39 from the Scientific enquiry unit. Discuss in pairs how these sheets would need to be modified for enquiries that do not involve a fair test.Discuss in pairs how these sheets would need to be modified for enquiries that do not involve a fair test. Identify factors that would correlate with reaction time.Identify factors that would correlate with reaction time. Do the ruler drop test or use an IT program.Do the ruler drop test or use an IT program. Consider how a spreadsheet could be used to analyse the factors.Consider how a spreadsheet could be used to analyse the factors. Feed back your findings to the tutor, identifying how able pupils will be challenged in this enquiry.Feed back your findings to the tutor, identifying how able pupils will be challenged in this enquiry. Slide 4.15

Key Stage 3 National Strategy Decide, as a department, which of the ideas in this session you are going to implement.Decide, as a department, which of the ideas in this session you are going to implement. Plan to come to the next departmental meeting with your ideas developed.Plan to come to the next departmental meeting with your ideas developed. Slide 4.16 Implementing the ideas to include able pupils effectively in the lesson

Key Stage 3 National Strategy Task G Strategies for independent learning Consider the suggestions on handout Do they involve high conceptual demand?Do they involve high conceptual demand? Which named pupils would you give them to?Which named pupils would you give them to? How would the set tasks allow … creativity, application, analysis, synthesis of ideas?creativity, application, analysis, synthesis of ideas? a range of research sources to be used?a range of research sources to be used? a variety of presentations by the able pupil?a variety of presentations by the able pupil? Slide 4.17

Key Stage 3 National Strategy Task H Quiz for staff Consider the six words, sentences or phrases below.Consider the six words, sentences or phrases below. To what examples on the first page of handout 4.18 do they best relate?To what examples on the first page of handout 4.18 do they best relate? What features of independent learning would you expect pupils to use?What features of independent learning would you expect pupils to use? Slide The poor-whill 2. The sun transfers more energy to polar than to equatorial regions 3. Air as an insulator 4. Catalytic convertors 5. Toothwort 6. Arthur’s seat

Key Stage 3 National Strategy Plenary Your own pupils Individually feed back one idea that you will give to your able pupils to develop their independence in the current or next topic that you teach.Individually feed back one idea that you will give to your able pupils to develop their independence in the current or next topic that you teach. Slide 4.20

Key Stage 3 National Strategy Use handout 4.21 How many apply to your department?How many apply to your department? Which ones should be introduced as a priority?Which ones should be introduced as a priority? Write down one action point that the department should do.Write down one action point that the department should do. Additionally write down one individual action point for your own pupils.Additionally write down one individual action point for your own pupils. Slide 4.22 Look at the characteristics of effective teaching of the able pupil.

Key Stage 3 National Strategy Plenary Refer to the objectives at the start of this unit.Refer to the objectives at the start of this unit. How many have been met?How many have been met? Use the traffic light cards to show your level of agreement with the meeting of the objectives.Use the traffic light cards to show your level of agreement with the meeting of the objectives. Slide 4.23