Raising aspirations, raising achievement, raising participation Karin Porter Participation Strategy Manager
Our children are our future workforce
“A lot of children in schools don’t actually know the purpose of being in school”
Why is it important for young people to continue learning?
‘If there is one central message … it is that what people know and what they do with what they know has a major impact on their life chances.’ Skilled for Life: OECD Report October 2013
Benefits for society Higher skilled workforce Increased productivity Economic growth Saves money Benefits for the individual Increased earning potential Increased wellbeing Better health outcomes
Some facts and figures
There are 15, and 17 year olds in Norfolk (Dec 2012)
How does that compare with national figures? We are below national figures for combined 16 & 17 year olds Slightly below national figures for 16 year olds -91.3% compared to 91.6% Significantly below national figures for 17 year olds – 80.3% compared to 84.3%
What are we doing about it? Early intervention and targeted support Ensure that the right mix and balance of post 16 provision is available Drive up the standard of careers education, information, advice and guidance
More facts about the young people who are NEET 39% have been NEET for longer than 6 months 34% have one or more ‘personal circumstance’ 80% have below 5 GCSE grades A*-C There are approx the same number of males and females
4 most popular occupational choices Retail, sales and customer services Catering and hospitality Engineering Construction
Key Sectors Advanced Manufacturing Business Energy Engineering Food and Farming Health and Social Care Leisure and Tourism Media, Arts and Digital Science
Raising the Participation Age From September 13 – young people are required to remain in learning for a further academic year From September 15 – young people are required to remain in learning until age 18
What does that mean? Full time further education Employment with training eg apprenticeships Part time or voluntary work combined with learning
Karin Porter Education & Training Participation Strategy Manager Norfolk County Council Tel