Pupils will be taught “Crucial!” lessons in year 10 and 11. These lessons are designed to improve their written communication skills. They will need to do things like describe how evidence supports a conclusion and present a balanced argument. New style exam questions will test this ability. 6 mark questions are back!
Discussing controversial issues and coming to decisions is an important part of the course. When considering the issue pupils need to consider four different types of argument and then decide which are the most important and come to an overall decision.
The Specifications. Unit 1: Biology 1 Written paper – 1 hour 60 marks – 25% Structured and closed questions At least one question assessing Quality of Written Communication in a science context Unit 2: Chemistry 1 Written paper – 1 hour 60 marks – 25% Structured and closed questions At least one question assessing Quality of Written Communication in a science context Unit 3: Physics 1 Written paper – 1 hour 60 marks – 25% Structured and closed questions At least one question assessing Quality of Written Communication in a science context GCSE Science A (4405) Unit 4: Controlled Assessment Investigative Skills Assignment – two written assessments plus one or two lessons for practical work and data processing 50 marks – 25% ■ AQA set the ISAs and send teachers all the information before the course starts. ■ AQA outline the practical (or fieldwork) candidates should do ■ AQA say what data processing pupils should do ■ Teachers choose which of several ISAs to do and when ■ Pupils do do the ISA test in class time ■ Teachers mark their tests using marking guidance from AQA. Design Measure Present Data
B1C1P1ISA B2C2P2ISA B3C3P3 Each unit C1, B1 etc. and the ISA are worth 25%. ISA One GCSE for Science A. One GCSE for Additional Science Science A (Year 10 ) Additional Science (Year 11 ) Biology (Year 10 and 11) Chemistry (Year 10 and 11) Physics (Year 10 and 11)
Pupils have been given their log in details. They are able to log in at home (if you have internet access). Pupils have access to a host of resources.
The text book, animations, videos etc. A fantastic learning resource at home! They will also be able to complete homework assignments that have been set by the teacher using the system.
You can access the “Milestones” that are used by the science staff on the School VLE. This shows you what topics should be covered in each term and what topics will be assessed in each of the the Assessment Fortnights.
We will be trialling SAM learning this year in science. You need to have sent in an authorisation slip). Contact Us Find out more Find out more Find out more Find out more Find out more
For information about the course. Download past papers. For revision of content. Excellent animations and audio. Hard to beat as a fun way of checking knowledge. Content is tailored to different specifications. So pick AQA and off you go! One of many very good web sites containing recent developments in science. Obviously this one contains articles of interest to teenagers. Will give ideas about future careers in science. Which are mind bogglingly varied and accessible to people with a wide range of different abilities.
Revision Guides will be available soon. We will send a letter home asking if you would like one. They will cost considerably less than they are in the shops! They are a good, concise, colourful reference that covers all the content you need for the exam.