Inflation and Stringy Landscape Andrei Linde
New Inflation V
Chaotic Inflation Chaotic Inflation Eternal Inflation
Hybrid Inflation Hybrid Inflation
Inflation in String Theory The volume stabilization problem: A potential of the theory obtained by compactification in string theory of type IIB: The potential with respect to X and Y is very steep, these fields rapidly run down, and the potential energy V vanishes. We must stabilize these fields. Volume stabilization: KKLT construction Kachru, Kallosh, A.L., Trivedi 2003 X and Y are canonically normalized field corresponding to the dilaton field and to the volume of the compactified space; is the field driving inflation Dilaton stabilization: Giddings, Kachru, Polchinski 2001
Basic steps of the KKLT scenario: AdS minimum Metastable dS minimum 1) 1) Start with a theory with runaway potential discussed above 2) 2) Bend this potential down due to nonperturbative quantum effects 3) 3) Uplift the minimum to the state with a positive vacuum energy by adding a positive energy of an anti-D3 brane in warped Calabi-Yau space
String Theory Landscape Perhaps different minima Bousso, Polchinski; Susskind; Douglas, Denef,… Lerche, Lust, Schellekens 1987
Two types of string inflation models: Modular Inflation. Modular Inflation. The simplest class of models. They use only the fields that are already present in the KKLT model. Brane inflation. Brane inflation. The inflaton field corresponds to the distance between branes in Calabi-Yau space. Historically, this was the first class of string inflation models. Modular Inflation. Modular Inflation. The simplest class of models. They use only the fields that are already present in the KKLT model. Brane inflation. Brane inflation. The inflaton field corresponds to the distance between branes in Calabi-Yau space. Historically, this was the first class of string inflation models.
Inflation in string theory KKLMMT brane-anti-brane inflation Racetrack modular inflation D3/D7 brane inflation DBI inflation (non-minimal kinetic terms)
More about inflation in string theory - in talks by Bousso, Sarangi, Conlon, Kallosh, Tye, Shiu, McAllister, Kofman and others
CMB and Inflation Blue and black dots - experimental results (WMAP, ACBAR) Brown line - predictions of inflationary theory
Predictions of Inflation: 1) The universe should be homogeneous, isotropic and flat, = 1 + O(10 -4 ) [ 2) Inflationary perturbations should be gaussian and adiabatic, with flat spectrum, n s = 1+ O(10 -1 ). Spectral index n s slightly differs from 1. (This is an important prediction, similar to asymptotic freedom in QCD.) Observations: perturbations are gaussian and adiabatic, with flat spectrum: Observations: it is homogeneous, isotropic and flat:
Initial conditions for inflation: In the simplest chaotic inflation model, eternal inflation begins at the Planck density under a trivial condition: the potential energy should be greater than the kinetic and gradient energy in a smallest possible domain of a Planckian size. In the models where inflation is possible only at a small energy density (new inflation, hybrid inflation) the probability of inflation is not suppressed if the universe is flat or open but compact, e.g. like a torus. A.L Zeldovich and Starobinsky 1984; A.L. 2004
In the string landscape scenario, with many dS vacua stabilized by KKLT mechanism, one either directly rolls down to the state where life of our type is impossible (AdS, 10D Minkowski space), or enters the state of eternal inflation. This essentially eliminates the problem of initial conditions, replacing it by the problem of the probability measure for eternal inflation. If any other regime (ekpyrotic collapse, string gas) is possible in string theory, it should be a part of the string landscape context. The problem of the probability measure is not a problem of inflationary cosmology, it is a generic problem of any regime which can exist in string theory. One cannot avoid eternal inflation by proposing its alternatives.
Do not ask for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee. The problem of measure in eternal inflation and anthropic selection is NOT the problem of eternal inflation. It is a problem for anybody who wants to work in the context of string theory with vacuum stabilization. Ernest Hemingway
Alternatives: Ekpyrotic/cyclic scenario Fake it till you make it Fake it till you make it
What’s in a name?…
Singularity problem remains unsolved after many years of attempts and optimistic announcements. Recent developments: “New ekpyrotic scenario” based on the ghost condensate theory with the curvaton heart. Even the authors of the ghost condensate theory dislike it: violation of the null energy condition, absence of the ultraviolet completion (difficulty to embed it in string theory), problems with black hole thermodynamics, etc. Generation of density perturbations with flat spectrum requires an additional field. At the stage of collapse, classical inhomogeneities of this field must be smaller that its quantum fluctuations. Otherwise classical irregularities will be amplified, and dominate density perturbations. This is a severe homogeneity problem. Adams, Arkani-Hamed, Dubovsky, Nicolis and Rattazzi, 2006 Arkani-Hamed, Dubovsky, Nicolis, Trincherini and Villadoro, 2007
Buchbinder, Khouri and Ovrut (tachyon stabilization) The authors admit that solving the homogeneity problem in this scenario requires explaining homogeneity on the scale of 1 meter, i.e. 35 orders of magnitude greater than the Planck scale. The authors do not solve this problem, but hope that it should be as easy as in chaotic inflation, where initial homogeneity is required only on the Planck scale. It is claimed that this scenario solves flatness problem, but it is not explained why the total number of particles in our universe is greater than and its mass is greater than g. These are the entropy and mass problems, which are equivalent to the flatness problem. These problems are easily solved by inflation. Even newer ekpyrotic scenario: Even newer ekpyrotic scenario:
Other alternatives: String gas cosmology Brandenberger, Vafa, Nayeri, 4 papers in Many loose ends and unproven assumptions (e.g. stabilization of the dilaton and of extra dimensions). Flatness/entropy problem is not solved. This class of models differs from the only known class of stringy models (KKLT-type construction) where stabilization of all moduli was achieved. Even if one ignores all of these issues, the perturbations generated in these models are very non-flat: Instead of n s = 1 one finds n s = 5 Kaloper, Kofman, Linde, Mukhanov 2006, hep-th/ Brandenberger et al, 2006
To summarize, inflationary cosmology is quite healthy. It agrees well with the existing observations. In my opinion, no compelling alternatives to inflation are available so far. Now we will discuss inflationary multiverse Now we will discuss inflationary multiverse
Inflationary Multiverse For a long time, people believed in the cosmological principle, which asserted that the universe is everywhere the same. This principle is no longer required. Inflationary universe may consist of many parts with different properties depending on the local values of the scalar fields, compactifications, etc.
Example: SUSY landscape V SU(5)SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1)SU(4)xU(1) Weinberg 1982: Supersymmetry forbids tunneling from SU(5) to SU(3)xSU(2)XU(1). This implied that we cannot break SU(5) symmetry. A.L. 1983: Inflation solves this problem. Inflationary fluctuations bring us to each of the three minima. Inflation make each of the parts of the universe exponentially big. We can live only in the SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1) minimum. Supersymmetric SU(5)
Landscape of eternal inflation
String Theory Multiverse String Theory Multiverse < 0 = 0 > 0 and eternal old inflation and eternal old inflation
Discrete and continuous parameters Properties of our world (local part of the universe) depend on discrete parameters (topological numbers, quantized fluxes, etc.), which describe our vacuum state. Beyond the landscape: Our world may depend on a continuous set of parameters, which took different values during the cosmological evolution far away from the vacuum state. EXAMPLES: a) a) Axion field could take different values during inflation, which should affect the local value of the density of dark matter. b) b) Affleck-Dine fields could take different values in different parts of the universe, thus affecting the local value of the baryon asymmetry of the universe.
Inflation and Cosmological Constant 1) 1) Anthropic solutions of the CC problem using inflation and fluxes of antisymmetric tensor fields (A.L. 1984), multiplicity of KK vacua (Sakharov 1984), and slowly evolving scalar field (Banks 1984, A.L. 1986). We considered it obvious that we cannot live in the universe with but the proof was needed for positive. 2) Derivation of the anthropic constraint Weinberg 1987; Martel, Shapiro, Weinberg 1997, … 4 steps in finding the anthropic solution of the CC problem:
Inflation and Cosmological Constant 3) String theory landscape Multiplicity of (unstable) vacua: Lerche, Lust and Schellekens 1987: vacuum states Duff, 1986, 1987; Bousso, Polchinski 2000 Vacuum stabilization and statistics: KKLT 2003, Susskind 2003, Douglas 2003,… perhaps metastable dS vacuum states - still counting… 4) Counting probabilities in an eternally inflating universe (more about it later)
Anthropic constraints on Aguirre, Rees, Tegmark, and Wilczek, astro-ph/ observed value
Dark Energy (Cosmological Constant) is about 74% of the cosmic pie Dark Matter constitutes another 22% of the pie. Why there is 5 times more dark matter than ordinary matter?
Example: Dark matter in the axion field Old lore: If the axion mass is smaller than eV, the amount of dark matter in the axion field contradicts observations, for a typical initial value of the axion field. Anthropic argument: Inflationary fluctuations make the amount of the axion dark matter a CONTINUOUS RANDOM PARAMETER. We can live only in those parts of the universe where the initial value of the axion field was sufficiently small ( A.L. 1988). Recently this possibility was analyzed by Aguirre, Rees, Tegmark, and Wilczek. Can we give a scientific definition of “typical” ?
Anthropic Constraints on Axion Dark Matter Aguirre, Rees, Tegmark, and Wilczek, astro-ph/ The situation with Dark Matter is even better than with the CC ! The situation with Dark Matter is even better than with the CC ! observed value
Problem: Eternal inflation creates infinitely many different parts of the universe, so we must compare infinities What is so special about our world? What is so special about our world?
1. Study events at a given point, ignoring growth of volume Starobinsky 1986, Garriga, Vilenkin 1998, Bousso 2006, A.L Starobinsky 1986, Garriga, Vilenkin 1998, Bousso 2006, A.L Two different approaches: Two different approaches: 2. Take into account growth of volume A.L. 1986; A.L., D.Linde, Mezhlumian, Garcia-Bellido 1994; A.L. 1986; A.L., D.Linde, Mezhlumian, Garcia-Bellido 1994; Garriga, Schwarz-Perlov, Vilenkin, Winitzki 2005; A.L Garriga, Schwarz-Perlov, Vilenkin, Winitzki 2005; A.L No problems with infinities, but the results depend on initial conditions. It is not clear whether these methods are appropriate for description of eternal inflation, where the exponential growth of volume is crucial. No dependence on initial conditions, but we are still learning how to do it properly. I will review some recent progress. Recent developments were described in the talk by Bousso
V BB 1 BB 3 Boltzmann Brains are coming!!! Fortunately, normal brains are created even faster, due to eternal inflation
V Problems with probabilities Problems with probabilities
Time can be measured in the number of oscillations ( ) or in the number of e-foldings of inflation ( ). The universe expands as Unfortunately, the result depends on the time parametrization. is the growth of volume during inflation
t 21 t 45 t = 0 We should compare the “trees of bubbles” not at the time when the trees were seeded, but at the time when the bubbles appear
If we want to compare apples to apples, instead of the trunks of the trees, we need to reset the time to the moment when the stationary regime of exponential growth begins. In this case we obtain the gauge-invariant result As expected, the probability is proportional to the rate of tunneling and to the growth of volume during inflation. A.L., arXiv: A possible solution of this problem:
This result agrees with the expectation that the probability to be born in a part of the universe which experienced inflation can be very large, because of the exponential growth of volume during inflation.
Applications: Probabilities and the solution of the CC problem in the BP landscape The main source of volume of new bubbles is the tunneling from the fastest growing dS vacua with large vacuum energy towards the anthropic sphere with. If the tunneling occurs sequentially, between the nearby vacua, the process typically moves us to a minor fraction of the anthropic sphere with one of the fluxes being much greater than all others. This allows sharp predictions. One of the predictions - vacuum decay few billion years from now. However, if the tunneling with large jumps is possible due to nucleation of large stacks of branes (which seems plausible during the tunneling from the high energy dS vacua), then the probability distribution on the anthropic sphere becomes rather uniform, no doomsday. Clifton, Shenker, Sivanandam, arXiv:0706:3201
The cosmological constant problem is solved in this scenario in either case (small or large jumps): the probability distribution for the CC is flat and smooth near the anthropic sphere. It seems that the solution of the CC problem can be achieved with many different probability measures. Predictions of other features of our world, including stability/instability of our vacuum, depend on the properties of the landscape, on the possibility of the nucleation of large stacks of branes, on the proper choice of the probability measure, and on the duration of the slow-roll stage of inflation. Hopefully we will learn many new interesting things before the next summer…