Answering God’s call…
Last time… We discussed the call to single or married life Today we will talk about the call and role of ordained ministers
What does “ordination” mean? the rite of the Sacrament of Holy Orders, by which a bishop gives to men, through the laying on of hands, the ability to minister to the Church as bishops, priests, and deacons.
The meaning of “Holy Orders” An order is a grade or type of ordained ministry in the Church. The orders included in the Sacrament of Holy Orders are: ○ Deacons, priests, bishops
See p. 151 Read “Call to Priesthood and Diaconate” Make one list stating qualities of a deacon Make one list stating the qualities of a priest
What two types of priests are there? Diocesan Serve in a particular diocese under the local bishop Religious Belong to a community Make vows and live by the rules of the community May serve in a diocese or in the special works of their community
The role of priests The greatest responsibility of a priest: To preside at the Eucharist What other spiritual works does the priest do? Forgives sins, celebrates other sacraments, counsels, blesses, leads prayer services and retreats Why is a priest called “Father”? He is a “spiritual father” by bringing the life of grace to his children.
Role Play Priest or deacon?